Only Heaven Knows
Bad girl Sasa Good boy Gege Keri? :)
A journey of Love from its wonderful start to the painful realities of life. Have you ever experience to be broken for you to be whole, I think this story is for you. I won't promise a happy ending here but I will guarantee you life and love lessons you can relate to in your personal lives. Starred by the two most lo...
After the Pain and Struggles, Sarah and Gerald of "Sa Kanya" will now face a new life together with renewed love and strength for each other but would Life help them to achieve ever after? I guess we have to Join their Journey!!!
for the love sa ashrald!! fist time ko to.. =) hope you will enjoy it guys!
Let's runaway to the place where love first found us. Let's runaway for the day, don't need anyone around us. When everything in love gets so complicated, it only takes a day to change it. What I have to say can't wait, all I need is a day, so let's runaway...
When You thought that you already found someone you can call mine for all of your life, and when that someone broke your heart into tiny pieces, would you rather risk your broken heart again and let new love comes in to mend your broken heart? Yes all is fair in love but does Love really comes with heartaches, pains...