Shattered Eyes Chapter 0: Zero
Hikari's 1st adventure with Zero Zillion
Hikari fell into the same world yet again however, this time the world is further in the future and it's in danger again. What will she do against Fate's plans?
My world is more diverse than it seems Though I can't promise you the warmest of welcomes We have certain people who defy those ideas As
Zero lands stranded in the Devildom again, this time there is no hope of finding his familiar demon friend. Rather a relative, who is simply one hell of a butler... m
Hikari fell into a different universe this time however, this one is different & she meets an old friend, who is seeking his redemption, will they achieve this...?
You're stuck here now, where time doesn't change Emotions are cruel And the glitch demon is listening for you K l o p f K l o p f H e S e e s Y o u H e S m e l l s Y o u H e . W i l l . F i n d . Y o u . O
~We watch as we set sail for Evermore~ ~We watch as the tide pulls us down~ ~She watches as we set sails for Evermore~ ~She watches as the tide pulls us down~ ~She watches and waits for the day we meet~ ~The day of judgement will come when to the outlanders find her~ D
"An angels tear is said to purify the deepest of tell me my youngest child...why couldn't you heal our dear Lilith?" "You murderer, you manipulator, you abuser, you cruel cruel angel" "No...A god." "The tell me father. A god should have the purest of souls. Yet you have none. You are no God. No angel. No c...
Once upon a time, there was a demon who could see both past and future... They are the nightbringer y
Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo Fishy in the sea Tiny little fishy Who could you really be? Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo Magic set you free Oh she's a little girl, with a round tummy
Hey let's go Hey let's go I'm happy as can be Let's go walking you and me Ready, set, c'mon, let's go Over the hill Across the field Though the tunnel we'll go We'll run across the bridge And down the bumpy gravel road Right beneath the spider's webs Read, set, let's go Hey let's go Hey let's go I'm happy as can be Le...
Just because Shadar's reign is over, doesn't mean mine isn't.
Zero travels to Hikari's world again, landing in the plains of Teyvat.
"..., It's okay to cry. Just know that I love you. I love you more than anyone I've ever known."
"It must be hard for you, right, dear?"
If you find yourself troubled by something mysterious or a problem you can't solve, there's somewhere you can go, a place where...
Not too long ago, in Mainstream Devildom, Scott Pilgrim dated a high schooler.
Eighteen-year-old Lilith is given thirteen hours to solve a labyrinth and rescue her baby sister, Hikari. When her wish for Hikari to be taken away is granted by the Goblin King, Jareth.
I could hear the sound of you breaking from far away. The depth of the clear black sky, reflected on the water's surface. Conceals the place we should be heading to, as if blurring it. If you're burdened with the days we can't go back to, let's begin rowing into this night. I held close your fragile future, which s...
A young lord, his demon butler and his demon daughter's soulmate board a luxury cruise ship to investigate claims of the dead being returned to life. But are they faced with various complications?
Ciel receives a letter from Lord Diavolo telling him that several students at Weston College, one of the Devildom's top public schools, have seemingly disappeared... including a relative of his, named Derrick. And so, Sebastian, Malice and Ciel infiltrate Weston College to get to the bottom of the matter.
Hikari Michaelis stays in the Celestial Realm to improve her relationship with Coer and angels to move on from her past. She helps a mysterious young man close doors from the other side that are releasing disasters all over the Celestial Realm, threatening to destroy their world.
Leora Mohan dreamt herself to the underworld, where she meets a mysterious guardian called Kong Hun Jiu. After being sent back to her world, the girl faced a longing to see him again for the sake of her art, even after his warning to forget him and her 'dream'. After summoning him in a seance, Leora learns who he trul...
"I'm supposed to be happy about this, right?" Were the first words Xiu Yu said when he saw his letter to Hogwarts. Little did he know, a journey he initially resented, soon became a journey with long lasting benefits and the fondest of memories for the boy.
When she was young, Lucille snuck up to the old castle on the hill that her village had warned and said was dangerous. Upon doing so, she met and fell in love with a servant boy, hidden behind the castle bars. Years later, Lucille returned to the castle during a storm; only to meet the feared Prince Rasa Mauve. In sp...
Cipher Nihial worked to safeguard software released onto his companies database; so he worked at home, somewhat excluded from the world, his days continuous. One fateful day, Cipher was contacted to inspect a game called 'HinaAsobi' - reported to be buggy, and to violate some of his companies policies for publishing g...