- DreamNotFound - - Karlnapity - Dream visits the bar with the pretty boy guitarist everyday, he's not a drinker. He just has a thing for pretty boys with guitars
- DreamNotFound - - Karlnapity - Dream visits the bar with the pretty boy guitarist everyday, he's not a drinker. He just has a thing for pretty boys with guitars
72,452 words "you tingle my heart strings dream, you vibrate them, you twirl them between your fingers like the most delicate yarn, you move them in ways i didnt think they could" "how so?" "you play them gently like a violin yet at times you pull them harshly as if you're falling searching for something to grip onto...
After Georges sudden death, Dream finds himself struggling to deal with the loss. From not sleeping to barely eating, slowly he's destroying himself Until he gets a DM from Georges Twitter account.