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  • Steel X Reader
    12.9K 204 8

    You were in school, and you end up being harassed and teased. By a bully you think, but not until you get to know him.

  • Total Drama All Stars *Edited*
    46K 811 14

    We are back with an all new season of Total Drama, introducing Total Drama All Stars! We include new things, along with a gorgeous spa hotel that the winners sleep in. The rest? Hahaha. You'll find out! Also, a new elimination to send them home! Err, at least I think it will? Anyways! All competitors are from the old...

  • Outside
    5.3K 135 15

    Stacy and Scout manage to find a different way out of Handeemen HQ. Now, free from the horror show they must learn how to live with their new normal as Stacy shows Scout what the world Outside is really like. Unfortunately for them, it won't be all sunshine and rainbows...

  • Sonic.EXE X Reader
    69.8K 1K 12

    It'S tHaT tImE oF tHe YeAr AgAiN eVeRyOnE. tHe TiMe To DoUbLe ChEcK uNdEr YoUr BeD oR iN yOuR cLoSeT fOr MoNsTeRs. AnD wHeN yOu Go To SlEeP, rEmEmBeR tO lOcK yOuR dOoR aNd ShUt YoUr WiNdOwS. a NiGhTmArE iS cOmInG fOr YoU. BeTtEr WaTcH oUt. He HaS a HuNgEr FoR fEaR...aNd LoVe.... SwEeT nIgHtMaReS~ hApPy HaLlOwEeN~