(COVER MADE BY: londonstars) Far from flawless, she was. Almost too flawless, he was. And maybe, that was what made them perfect for each other. -- All Rights Reserved; Flawed, 2013 © Daxsies --
(COVER MADE BY: londonstars) Far from flawless, she was. Almost too flawless, he was. And maybe, that was what made them perfect for each other. -- All Rights Reserved; Flawed, 2013 © Daxsies --
Like every directioner, Patricia adored the boys and their girlfriends, especially Danielle Peazer. One night she sees a shooting star, and wishes something she wouldn't expect would happen to her. Her journey to everything a directioner has every dreamed of. Be careful what you wish for.
Maddie appears to have it all, good looks, riches, the perfect boyfriend and even her own flat which she shares with her friends, she has her fair share of secrets, secrets that could ruin everything. What could possibly go wrong?
Nicole was a sweet and modest young lady just trying to get by. With the constant fear of her boyfriend overtaking her, it was hard to bring a genuine smile to her face. The all changed when she met a beautiful Irishman named Niall Horan, member of the infamous band One Direction. Would his presence bring her joy...
Harry Styles. Everyone knows that name. When people hear it, their heads turn and screams are heard miles away. Clearly everyone loves him, right? Not exactly. When Riley Jones is forced to take her little sister, Jacquelyn, to a One Direction concert, she would do anything to get out of it. She wanted nothing less t...
Harry Styles will be playing your love interest. Those were the words Amber dreaded to hear. With a lot of bad history between them, the last thing they want to do is be around each other. But in order to make this movie, they need to at least get along. What will happen when they're forced to share an apartment toget...