A Messy Path | Harry Potter Fanfic|
You are Y/N Lupin , the daughter of tonks and Remus Lupin. You receive a letter from hogwarts , school of wizardry. As you get to the school some weird things happen...
You are Y/N Lupin , the daughter of tonks and Remus Lupin. You receive a letter from hogwarts , school of wizardry. As you get to the school some weird things happen...
Y/N looked at her coldly, not moving their faces away, "Oh, yeah? And what could I do to fix that? Tell me, Granger, since you're such a Know-It-All, tell me just what'll get this all behind us, make you realize it." "Love me harder," Hermione replied quickly, her teeth grit together. Y/N raised an eyebrow at her...
(G×G) S/n Riddle Lestrange. Uma garota determinada, orgulhosa e feroz, nunca havia se apaixonado por ninguém; ou ela apenas mentia para si mesma. Seu pai, vulgo Tom Riddle, ou melhor dizendo; Voldemort, não era um pai muito carinhoso com sua filha. Sempre implorava para que ela entrasse para os Comensais da Morte, ma...