dylan y dolly ¿son novios?
En esta historia la familia dalmata va a tratar de averiguar si dylan y dolly son novios
En esta historia la familia dalmata va a tratar de averiguar si dylan y dolly son novios
el la encontró,ella se quedó y ahora el deberá aprender a convivir con ella
Un accidente ocurre a partir de un experimento de Dawkins el cual afecta a Dylan y a Dolly quien sufren un raro cambio pero al enterarse de un problema deciden mantener su forma hasta que Dawkins pueda hallar una solución
What happens when your entire life is gone, you have nothing, and your memory is a massive black hole? These are the questions that haunt Rictor, a man who has awoken in a world not of his own. Suddenly, when he believes death shall take him, he's saved by two Dalmatians, one of whom nearly giving his life to save Ric...
Dolly realizing that she feels something to Dylan, something big and beautiful.
After a space exhibition, Dylan starting to act really weird . When the time comes, Dylan knows that he must do the right thing keep things in control, with his partner, Venom.