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  • Falling - Lams AU Fanfic
    20 4 2

    When John Laurens saves Alexander they form an unlikely friendship that ends up being more than they thought it would be...

  • I Need A Ride (A Lams Fanfiction)
    44.4K 1.2K 69

    John is in college and runs out of his house. He forgets his license which he finds out 2 hours away from home with a man named Alexander. This is their story. Then as I like to say, it trails off into something. Not quite sure what yet, but I have some ideas. Modern College AU, lots of fluff, trigger warning...

  • waterfall ࿈ warrior cats fanfic
    35.6K 1.9K 24

    Being able to manipulate elements is common among the clan cats. ThunderClan have many heavy-defensive earth and poison type cats, RiverClan cats are often the enviable water manipulators, ShadowClan are sharp offensive fire types, and WindClan swift air manipulators. The Clans prospered with tense peacefulness, and t...

  • The Burning- Book One: Blossom [DRAFT]
    28.5K 1.8K 36

    ~BOOK ONE OF THE BURNING~ Blood. Death. Fear. That is what makes up FloraClan. It's what keeps them together. But for Robinpaw, it's what haunts her dreams. Ever since the murder of her brother at the paws of her sister, Robinpaw has feared blood more than anything else. Her sister was exiled from the Clan...but Robin...

  • Suicide And Butterflies|Lams AU|
    53.2K 1.6K 23

    Stock·holm syn·drome: feelings of trust or affection felt in many cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor. 19 year old John Laurens has been kidnapped by a man. The man treats John with kindness and care but John Laurens gives him a hard time. John hates his capture. His capture: Alexander Ha...

  • Imperfect
    11.1K 802 52

    "There are two things that separate us, perfection and imperfection..." What if a tribe was run by perfection? Where failure is no option. That one mistake could end a life. Positions are won by strengths and there are no such things as flaws. Take every mistake, tripping, falling, failing, and erase it all. In this w...

  • Warriors: Bravery|Warriors Fanfic|(Currently editing)
    227 27 3

    +Book One of The Call Of the Wild+ - "We all discover the courage in us eventually. We just need to keep going, not giving up, then we'll find it." Bravepaw is the cat who never fears anything. At least, his father Tigerwhisker keeps reminding him. Bravepaw thinks the clan he loves needs a cat like him to rely and put...

  • Unidentified Love|Lams|Boss AU| Soulmates AU
    53.7K 2K 35

    Alexander Hamilton: A two sided business men who has no time for the fantasy of 'Soulmates' to which he doesn't believe in. John Laurens: An abused cinnamon roll who adores for the idea of some one destined to love. How could these two complete opposite human beings possibly be soulmates? That's what everyone believes...

  • Hush
    100K 5.2K 29

    After life threw Alexander around for years, things finally started settling down. He had a loving family, an education, and caring friends. A home. But of course, the world isn't quite done with him just yet. When he starts talking to John Laurens, supposedly bratty, snobbish, rich John Laurens, and finds out that wh...

  • Warriors: "Memories made in the coldest leaf-bare"
    67 33 4

    Stripedpaw is the prettiest she-cat in Wind Clan, she could easily find a mate within her clan, but instead, she chooses to meet in secret with a River Clan Tom named Cheetahpaw. But when her father, Browntail, the deputy of Wind Clan, finds out about their secret meetings at the bridge between the two territories, he...

  • Shattered Clans- A Warrior Cats Fanfiction
    3.5K 449 35

    Many, many centuries after the reign of Bramblestar, Cranekit and her siblings are born. When a group of vicious rogues threaten the clans, Cranefrost, Snowfall and Cleardawn must unite the clans to battle the 'Dark Warriors.' Little do they know that there are obstacles in the way, and not everything goes to plan...

  • Finding Stormkit
    9.7K 551 70

    Stormkit was separated from his Clan just after being born. Even after the Clan and his own parents have given up on finding him, Willowkit still has hope and she keeps searching.

  • A Misty Path (A Warrior Cats Fanfiction)
    25.6K 665 39

    Mistflower was the first kit born in RiverClan in years. Although she unnerved her fellow Clanmates with strange eyes, her life was great; her Clanmates respected her despite her oddity, her parents loved her and her friends appreciated her. But when ShadowClan invades the RiverClan camp, she learns a secret hidden un...

  • The Frozen Forest (A Warrior cats fanfiction)
    4.9K 144 70

    Follow the stories of Applekit and Stripekit as they try to form a relationship, Troutkit as she tries to prove herself as the greatest warrior in all the clans, Pinepaw as he struggles through the death of his best friend, Shadepaw and Rowankit as they try to fit in, Teddybear and Willy as they try to become clan cat...

  • sage | a warrior cats fanfiction
    27.7K 1K 55

    Sage is a delicate plant, one that can be crushed simply with a strong, hefty paw. And in SageClan, this paw belongs to Cougarstar, the leader who seems to have no heart. he is strict and sharp with his warriors and only seems to be remotely kind to his mate and his heir, Bearpatch, who seems not too bothered by h...

  • Out Into The Light (A Hamilton Fanfic)
    150K 4.2K 47

    Lark Evans is a girl that bleeds secrets, she doesn't mean to, but it's just in her best interests. Incredibly, she ends up meeting Lin-Manuel Miranda. And that just might make her world turn upside down.

  • Behind The Mask
    451 41 16

    Amazing cover by the lovely; talented @moosh_moosh12 <3 ::::::::::::::::::: Violetpaw was always quiet.She didn't trust anyone, and thought every-cat was mean, scary and suspicious. She hardly did anything with others when she didn't have to, and she wasn't popular, not even with her foster siblings. But no one bot...

  • Spark { Warrior Cats Fanfiction ; Complete }
    206K 8.6K 40

    Prophecies are works about journeys and saving clans via StarClan's designated cats. StarClan can't predict everything though, right? Sparkfur is hated by much of her clan. She's much more intelligent than any other cat, she's sassy, and an annoyance. They have half a mind to kick her out, but at the same time, they w...

  • ★Art Contests★
    204 24 4

    This is where you'll find any art contests I'm currently hosting

  • Alone #6: The Final Choice
    110 28 13

    At first, the Dynasty wants peace, but after Dark attacks them, they don't have a choice. At all. The Dynasty sends a call for help, and the Clans answer them. Blood and battles tear apart the cats of the Clans and the Dynasty alike as a war begins. 'RevengeClan' wants revenge for Demonclaw, and Amberclaw is given an...

  • Alone #5: The Calm Before the Storm
    142 46 13

    Sometimes, being alone is a disadvantage. Dark is back. Ebonywind is shocked, but the Dynasty can't fight him on their own. This time, Dark is clearly more powerful, vicious and willing to kill, than the first time they faced him. To top it all, Ebonywind is feeling something she definitely should not be feeling. Whe...

  • Alone #4: The Dynasty of Truth
    151 37 14

    The Dynasty has always been alone. Ravenflight, Ebonywind and Amberclaw have found the mysterious mountain cats. They introduce themselves as the Dynasty of Truth, a group of loners who have lived in peace for seasons. However, when Ravenflight receives a vision, their leader, Autumn, ignores it. Ravenflight takes th...

  • Alone #3: Broken Amber
    177 45 13

    Amberclaw has always felt alone. She must face her rash decisions as they come back to bite her. The cats that she has been with her whole life confess they have known the truth about her, Ravenflight and Ebonywind. After a mysterious prophecy is given to their mother, who is also leader of ThunderClan, the three set...

  • Alone #2: The Ebony's Roots
    219 66 14

    Ebonywind has always felt alone. With no siblings, no parents, and no friends, she makes a bond with the two cats she went on a quest with. But, a shocking secret is revealed, as she and her newfound littermates find out the truth.. Ebonywind, a usually calm and unemotional cat can't control her own emotions anymore...

  • Alone #1: The Raven's Flight
    461 78 15

    Ravenpaw has always felt alone. Her Clan had told her that she had been abandoned as a kit, and they had saved her from starving. While she is determined to serve WindClan as a medicine cat, she cannot help but feel that Crowstar's glares carry hidden meaning. When the opportunity to go on a quest comes up, Ravenpaw...

  • Wait For Me ✓ (Hadestown)
    13.5K 369 19

    what if a year after the events of Hadestown, a riot starts that frees three workers, one being Eurydice.

  • Warriors erin hunter
    6.5K 156 25

    Icekit is no ordinary kit , is she the cat with power of the unthinkable? Join her as her worries get stronger and her enemies get smarter, and she has to face the ultimate challenge!

  • mind over matter | 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐜
    9K 357 13

    Life isn't fair. Zinniapool finds this out the hard way. (ngl this fanfic is the neglected middle child. still finished it!)

  • 𝙳𝙴𝙻𝙸𝚁𝙸𝚄𝙼 ➳ Warrior Cats Fanfic
    11.9K 461 21

    ShadowClan has never faced such an awful leaf-bare. But now, cats are starving and falling dead to a new illness. Desperate to survive this all and figure out what is happening, the ShadowClan medicine cat known as Hemlockfoot resorts to eating his own Clanmates to survive. • • • - Cover photography by Dina Nasyrovs o...

  • grim hollow | 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐜
    97.3K 3.4K 42

    Dawncurl is born into perfection. Her mother always told her that life was a blessing and that she should never take it for granted. However since the birth of she and her brother, she was instantly cast aside by her father who favored her brother and claimed he would be heir to the throne. However, the roles will soo...
