The Magician
Andy Drew was an ordinary college student. He studied and went to class and did tests and such, but it's what he did after school that's really interesting. Andrew was an illusionist, a master of deception. He did amazing tricks and acts all across the city of Dublin, but, little did he know, very soon a whole differe...
The September Outcome
The 1950s, in suburban, yet refined town of Karricole Falls, the pot is stirring as Dwight Mathers attempts to bring down his boss Mayor Jeslop Sloan, the corrupt, sinister mayor of the town, building his own money monopoly. With the help of an old friend, an eager Dwight launches a full on investigation into the mayo...
Completed -
The Paradox
[This is more-or-less a first draft. It very clunky and the writing quality differs. I am purely leaving this up for my friends and because I cannot bare to delete this. I will more than likely not post any more writing, at least of this novel/series, on this website, for various reasons - what of which being I am...