Hermione travels for the year 1943. All she wants is to return to her friends, but her evasive attitude and behavior that breaks the standards of the time, ends up arousing the interest of Tom Riddle that soon turns into an obsession.
Hermione travels for the year 1943. All she wants is to return to her friends, but her evasive attitude and behavior that breaks the standards of the time, ends up arousing the interest of Tom Riddle that soon turns into an obsession.
I knew the moment I first kissed him, that he would condemn me, that I would drag myself through broken glass for him. I just was not sure if he would stay long enough to pull the jagged pieces out. I never imagined that instead, he would push the shards deeper. Deep down I knew it was useless, that there was no way...
She was the secret he would never tell. Since childhood, he had a plan for world domination, yet, she stumbled across his path as the unexpected variable that he had never previously considered. She awakened the part of him that he never even realized existed, yet, he never showed her mercy. She was the constant fir...