Forced into a marriage by her parents, Rowan struggles with her feelings about her new fiancé. He's brash, rude and unapproachable. After calling a truce, will he change for the better? And will she give him a second chance?
Forced into a marriage by her parents, Rowan struggles with her feelings about her new fiancé. He's brash, rude and unapproachable. After calling a truce, will he change for the better? And will she give him a second chance?
"You are all she has left. Never let her go. Always protect her through the dark. Promise me that you'll always keep your baby sister safe". "I promise mama". And just like that, she was gone. I stared down at my baby sister sobbing into my chest as she called out for our mother to come back. But she wasn't. "I pin...
››BOOK 2 OF PREY‹‹ I was born into a world forever meant to be against me. Into a world, I was never supposed to get the opportunity to know. Created as lowly property to the savage, blood-thirsty predators that have long since dominated these lands. It was a fate I'd once accepted without question. As awful as it was...
Aurora Valentino is a 24 year old female mafia leader born and raised in Italy. She is known as 'The Madonna" and is feared by all. Yet the most powerful woman has her hands tied when she is set to marry her enemy, the future heir to the Valerio mafia, in order to unite the two most powerful families who controlled I...
Charlie; a little girl who desperately needed catching. Leo, Oscar and Atlas; her three older brothers who awaited with open arms. ~ Five year old Charlie's life gets turned upside down by the sudden passing of her beloved mother. The little girl is sent to live with her three older brothers, having not seen nor spoke...
" What do you mean, I don't have any brothers. And how could my 'father' take custody of me if he literally just died in that crash ?" I say confusingly. " He wasn't your biological father. " the social worker says looking me dead in the eye. I just look at her, shocked. What the hell is she going on about. " Your...
Madison hasn't had it easy. On her 13th birthday, she witnessed her Mother pass away in a tragic car accident. Just nine months later she is informed of her step-father's death. Sent to live with her six big brothers she never knew about, she discovers her life has been built on a web of lies. Maddie's life changes f...
Sophia is a shy 15 year old girl. The Wilsons adopted her after foster parents were arrested due to several reasons. She thought that she would never escape her foster home, but she did. She thought that she will never get real friends, but she did. She thought she could never get her step brothers to accept her as a...
The young, shy and innocent, Lillia carlos discovers that the father she thought as her father is her stepfather. Her world goes upside down when her mother broke the news that she is going to live with her biological father and eight older brothers.
Iris is a girl who has been through more pain than most people so when she is thrown into the orphanage of the 5 th time she thinks she is stuck there But what will happen when a cold hearted mean mafia boss get tried of living in a house full of boys .
an·dro·pho·bia | \ ˌan-drə-ˈfō-bē-ə noun : an abnormal dread of men : repugnance to the male sex Thea is the definition of sweetness. Whether it be stopping to talk to a homeless person in the streets or volunteering overtime at her local charity shop, she feels the need to give and not take. Although that comes...
Mafia • Amora Dior is an 18 year old who was sent to a boarding school for 'bad kids' for something she was never to blame for. She has lost all hope in life, and her parents give zero shit about her. What happens when she meets Lorenzo Romano, an 24 year old who's a secret Mafia leader but known as the worlds bigges...
Gabriella White is a 14 year old girl who's had to face more tragic events then a 14 year old should. At the age of 12 her mother was brutally murdered in a home evasion, which after closer investigation the police closed the case, so now stuck with her abusive stepfather, John for almost 2 what happens when her stepf...
Brynn Kingslee has spent a third of her life protecting herself from her stepfather as fiercely as a twelve year old can. Only to find, after his death, she has seven fiercely protective older brothers who didn't realise that not only would they be protecting her from their work, but also protecting her from her past...
ألمانيا..بلد عُرف بهتلر و بعشيرتين حكمتا العالم السفلي و كانتا في عداء دموي شرس ..لهذا كان الدم هو كل ما يحدث حين يجتمع آل فاديتا و آل كابوني في مكان واحد سويا...لقرون اقتادتهم العداوة نحو افتراس بعض أثناء افتراسهم لعوائل المافيا حولهم رغبة في صعود قمة الحكم في هذا العالم الأسود... لكن هم عاشوا طوال حياتهم معتقدين أنه...
They never showed any emotion despite anger and frustration. They have walls way too high surroundings their hearts. Everyone was afraid of what they were capable of doing to them even their own mother. But everything is about to change when certain someone enters the picture.
Six months after being relocated to a witness protection program, Olivia still can't shake off the horrible feeling that something bad is about to happen. But when something horrible does happen, none of them could ever have imagined this. When their world is turned upside down, how can she keep their family togethe...
Although she was surrounded by love she couldn't help but feel hollow and broken. She woke up every day, restless after a tiring and horrific night She couldn't remember the last time she had a proper night of sleep. Bounded to her home all her life by two shielding and vigilant parents, eight shattered over-protectiv...
#𝟓 ▪ 𝐆𝐮𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬. ❝Do you know what my first rule is?❞ I purred, softly. His eyes became dark and dangerous. My favourite combination. ❝What?❞ I smiled. ❝Don't fall for pretty things.❞ ▪︎ Marielle Kolsov has spent most of her life hidden from the spotlight. Then, one night changes everything and she d...
Since the death of two of her brothers Addie has changed a lot. Her home isn't all sunshine and rainbows now. But something dark was brewing, it always had been. And now she was the only one who could see it. The only thing she has to do is convince her living brothers that not all is good. Before it's too late.
[ ADULT CONTENT ] رجل قانون يلقبونه بالظل لمدى براعته في تنفيذ مهماته ، مخلص لعمله يبغض الجنس الأخر ولا يحبذ التعامل معهم ، حياته مزدحمة بعمله فقط ، حتى اتى ذلك اليوم الذي رآها به ، واقفة بجانب خيلها بداخل حلبة السباق تخوض معركة مع خصلات شعرها المبعثرة على وجهها بسبب الرياح ، فتحول كل شيء بداخله وقرر الحصول عليها...
ليس كل ما نراه حقيقيًا، وليس كل ما نسمعه صادقًا. هناك أشياء تُقال لتُخفي ما هو أسوأ، وأسرار يُحكم إغلاقها لأن الحقيقة قد تكون أكثر تدميرًا مما يمكن لأحد تحمله. نحن لم نكن ضحايا، ولم نكن أبطالًا. كنا فقط أشخاصًا يحملون ما لا يجب أن يُحمل، نعيش بين السطور التي لم تُكتب، ونحاول الهروب من ظلال الحقيقة قبل أن تبتلعنا. لكن...
_ من أَحلَكِ بُقعةٍ بإيطاليا _ الكـوزا نوسترا _ صِراع العائلات ولغزٌ خـطير يُهَدّد قوة الجـريمة. حين يُقرّر المـلاك البريء الولوج إلى الجحيم لِشنِّ حرب ضدّ شياطين المافيا.
يُقال تجري الرياح بما لا تشتهي السفن، لكن كريستوفر الأستاذ الجامعي الذي اشتُهِرَ باستقامته و مكانته العلمية المرموقة بين أقرانه فوجئ برياح عنيفة ظالمة جعلت سفينته المتينة تصطدم بصخور قاسية، بعد تعرضه لموقف جلب له العار، و أصبح بين ليلة و ضحاها مضطرًا لتحمل أي عقوبة من أجل استرجاع كرامته و إنقاذ مهنته، أما أن تكون العق...
آمبرا هي الفتاة السيئة في رواية الجميع، تلك المترنحة فوق مقاعد الحانات منتشية بسحر العقاقير و الخمور التي تتعاطاها، و تلك اللامبالية التي ترتدي لونا واحدًا كل يوم، و تقود سيارة قديمة الطراز، و تشوه الوجوه التي تنظر نحوها بتنمر أو استغراب حتى، لا صديقة، لا حبيب، و لا عائلة، و علاقتها الوحيدة التي دامت لسنوات هي تلك الت...
اختطفها رجل مجهول، و جعلها رهينة حتى أجل غير مسمى، و طوال الأيام التي قضتها معه، لم تره بسبب عينيها المعصوبتين، و كل ما عرفته عنه أنه تعود على قتل أشخاص مثلها كما يتعود المرء على التنفس، كل ما سمعته من فمه كان جرائم بشعة يهتزُّ لها البدن، و كرهًا أعمى تجاهها، أرادها أن تتعذب بكل طريقة ممكنة، دون أن يلوث يديه بها، كان...
ليس من الغريب رؤية عروس جميلة في باريس مدينة الحب، لكن الغريب هو أن تكون بمفردها، تقود سيارتها الصغيرة، و تتوقف وسط شارع الشانزيلزيه لتبيع إسوارتها الثمينة في محل مجوهرات، و الأغرب من ذلك أن تسأل الصائغ عن شقة فردية للإيجار! جين وينسلت كانت تلك العروس الإنجليزية الغامضة، و غوس روبنسون كان صديق الصائغ الأنيق الذي سمع ك...
لتعرف من هم الوحوش عليك أن تفكر مثلهم، أو أن تعيش معهم و تتجرع من جنونهم و مجازفاتهم الخطيرة، عُرِفت عشيرة المونسترز على أنها من أعنف و أغرب عشائر المافيا في العالم، ليست قوتهم هي الأمر الغريب، و لا تاريخهم الدموي، بل علاقاتهم المتشابكة، و الغموض الذي لا يتلاشى عن حياتهم، و طبعا سبب شهرتهم هو تمردهم الذي يميزهم عن بقي...
|𝐀𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞| Aaron: I, Aron Martinez a ruthless billionaire, heir of the one of the largest Spanish Mafia, with an ugly past and vicious future had no plan on giving my heart to someone ever until I was forced to marry her. My ene...