The Scars of Love (Bubbline Fanfiction)
Bubblegum broke up with Marceline a month ago and it wasn't her best call. (Short story!) CX
Bubblegum broke up with Marceline a month ago and it wasn't her best call. (Short story!) CX
Marceline has had romantic feelings and sexual attractions to Princess Bubblegum for years. Will PB return those feelings? And what's going on with Flame Princess and Finn? Read to find out :) if you're interested in my other stories, my new account is @patrickjacobb (it's a long story)
Its about marceline x bubble gum (adventure time) love story if u hate gxg then dont read it;)
Sono un vampiro,sono una delle creature più tenebrose e solitarie della terra di Ooo,sono un 'adolescente ma prima di sono Marshall Lee.
Prince Gumball and Marshall Lee get off on each other's nerves. Even thought they like each other a lot. One night they fight to the point of a fist fight. But KISS!
Lei: Tu non hai un cuore,non puoi amare. Lui: Allora ho un problema... Lei: Sarebbe? Lui: Credo che il mio cuore abbia ripreso a battere
This is my first fanfic ~_~; I'm so scared So basically this is a Marshall Lee x reader story, there are gonna be chapters were the feels hit you.....hard. Blah blah blah. You meet a sexy floating vampire and he falls in love with you and you fall in love with him. Your a vampire too. And yup that's all I'm gonna...
La mia prima fan fiction, parla di un vampiro che cerca in tutti i modi di diventare più forte ma, alla fine, scopre che c'è qualcosa di molto più importante...