It was rigged from the start.
A Syntec side of the Project: 863 series (Fan made) In 2006 my the character 's were: Nelson: 30 Debruh: 26 Wes: 27 Gary: 31 Emerald: 23 Jordan: 25 Benjamin: 29 Michelle: 30 Daniel: 28 Kacey: 25
A Syntec side of the Project: 863 series (Fan made) In 2006 my the character 's were: Nelson: 30 Debruh: 26 Wes: 27 Gary: 31 Emerald: 23 Jordan: 25 Benjamin: 29 Michelle: 30 Daniel: 28 Kacey: 25
This is a story about 'Deb' from the "Project: 863" series it shows her journey (with a few twist and turns of my creation) in the form of her diary entries! Hope you like it!