A voice like silk, soaked in acid and set on fire. PARK JIMIN TEACHER AU.
A voice like silk, soaked in acid and set on fire. PARK JIMIN TEACHER AU.
where you went to a club to get kissing lessons while being blindfolded, however you didn't think it would be your professor - highest ranking: #6 in joon #156 in kimnamjoon
"So, all this time, you've been playing with other girls' feelings in order to find someone thats like me? I thought you changed Jungkook. I guess not." --- a bts fanfiction *a sequel to 'a dumb angel' started: 12/1/17 ended: 23/3/17 [un-edited; under editing]
Yuna o fata in varsta de 18 ani este eleva la un liceu din Seul,aceasta are mai multe întâmplări bune si mai putin bune cu dirigintele ei exigent Park Jimin. Yuna a locuit cu părinții ei în Busan până de curând cand s a mutat cu prietena ei cea mai bună Jennie. Acestea se duc la un liceu nou,iar de acolo incep toate a...
★♡~Ma uit la el cu o privire confuza . El se apropie de mine pana am ajuns lipita cu spatele de blatul de la dulap si de Jimin ~♡★
Oneshot cu membrii voștri preferați. Vreau sa mentionez ca asta e un pamflet si ca întâmplările sunt amuzante și rar se intampla sa public un capitol mai deocheat. Ideea acestei cărți este amuzamentul iar daca voi așteptați altceva va rog sa nu intrati pe carte. Imi place BTS cu toate că în capitole ei ajung la final...
Being a psychiatrist isn't easy... For those who need it: Summary after chapter 43 :) If anyone needs some explanation please don't hesitate to comment. (Though of course it would be through my perspective)
Arabella wasn't expecting to be so touched by the Monet exhibit, but she finds herself even more interested in the handsome stranger who comforts her. There is something beautiful and inviting about Taehyung, but she is sure he's hiding something. This is short fanfic and all occurrences and character personality trai...
"You have a single bullet in your guns, you can kill the person in front of you or shoot the person aiming at you, it's your choice." When top female police officers have to go undercover as the biggest gangs bodyguards. Mission or love? CLAP!! A BIG THANK YOU TO @MONPEACHES FOR TAKING THE TIME TO MAKE THIS AMAZING...
"- Ce are el și nu am eu? Este din cauza că sunt profesorul tău? Pot renunța la funcția asta daca vrei, numai spune ce vrei sa fac ca sa mă privești mai mult decât un amarat de profesor! - Jungkook... - Poți fi fericită alături de mine, voi avea grijă de tine, nu voi permite să pățești nimic. Putem sa plecăm de aici...
*Written 2017 - 2020* *In edit 2022* "I could teach you some messy games." Just little kids. None of them could handle me as their woman. I have special needs and none of them could give that to me. But wait, there is this one guy. The new guy. He is differente. He is nice, handsome, understanding...and pervert from h...
wanna have sex at the beach and get a suntan? cause that would be a bangtan. · • -- ٠ ✤ ٠ -- • · in which her bias wrecker orders flowers from her. ➳ text fic ➳ crack+angst+fluff completed 01.03.2021
『 Dintr-o simplă fată, devine viitoare soție a unui renumit rapper din Coreea de Sud. Datorită mamei lui, cei doi ajung împreună, diferența dintre vârste este una mare, ceea ce-i face pe amândoi să ajungă, să gândească că relația lor nu va merge din cauza asta. Totul se schimbă, când, fosta iubită se întoarce și odat...
"Even though you are so much of an angel, there is always a part inside you that's wanna be wrapped up around my sin, my love. You will be my sinner forever and you will beg me to make you one." "He was right. There's no escape. I fell in love with a person who is forbidden to be fallen for. But I am too blind in love...
Christine grew up to be an only child with two loving parents. Everything changes when her mom dies and her father became a reckless drunkard. In times like these, she wished she had an older brother to lean on. A brother she never had. Or did she? Fate tests her as another disaster meets her way. Will her bestfriend...
Un baiat si o fata care se intalnesc la liceu.Acestia se urasc,dar peste cateva zile au inceput sa se apropie unul de celalalt si sa se indragosteasca.Acestia trec prin multe.Citeste cartea si vei afla !!!! #Jungkook #Bella #Ely #Yaman #Taehyung #Jimin #Layla #Cody ⭐Finalizata! Ince...
The story of a girl by the name of Y/n finds that there is a monster under her bed that a after years of living the unknown creature they befriend each other. (Story will contain some grafic content) HIGHEST RANKS: • #6 fanfiction • #9 kimnamjoon • #1 kimnamjoonfanfic • #1 kimnamjoonsmut • #10 rm
"I want a kiss," "Hell no," And that's how their relationship sparks. - What happens when you reach home to find out that you're going to be married to an unknown person? And it is all your fault. And the worst part is that... he's the famous owner of a company that you don't even know about, and he apparently makes a...
"Let me simplify this for you, Y/N-shi," Jungkook says getting dangerously close, while he continues to ignore your eyes that shoot dangers. "You do as I say. I am your boss!" START : 01/09/2018 FINISH: 31/12/2018 Highest Ranking: #1 K-pop #1 jeonjungkook #4 kimtaehyung #7 Fanfiction
...with a criminal. You know what you're doing. No prison could hold you. It's a cat and mouse game. Read to see who wins... Criminal au Started: 28-04-2020 Completed: 11-08-2021
i never meant to hurt you (Y/N) i loved you...you know that. and i...still love you. (HELLO AUTHORNIM HAS AWAKEN AHAHAH! SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT BUT U AM HERE NOW LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! THANKYOU FOR ALL THE VOTES AND SUPPORT😋😘)
Lee Minhe, o fata de 16 ani ce învață în Seul. O fata frumoasa ce atrage atenția băieților. Printre ei se numără și Kim Taehyung, cel mai popular băiat al scolii. Oare cum se va desfășura relația lor de dușmani pana la sfârșit? Oare vor mai rămâne dușmani?
"Te urasc." "Sentimentul e reciproc." "Atunci cred ca ma bucur, pampalaule." "Ciudato." "O sa iti distrug viata." "Ai facut-o deja." "Imi pare rau." "Serios?" "..." !!Cartea necesită scurtă editare și verificare. Îmi cer scuze anticipat pentru greșelile atât gramaticale, cât și de scriere. Carte terminata în data de 2...
In poveste este vorba despre Min-Gee o fata de 19 ani,care trăiește împreună cu cei 7 frați ai ei,după ce părinții i-au murit într-un accident de mașină.Acestia o urăsc foarte mult chiar dacă e sânge din sângele lor. Min-Gee este bătută de frați și pusă la munci obositoare. Dar viata ei se va schimba radical.
You cheated on me Park jimin! IT HURTS SO MUCH!!! But why do I still love you? I wish you can feel this too! I wish you can take away this pain Park Jimin! Ranked as #120 on #mochi Rankes as #389 on #chimchim Ranked as #278 on #cheater
we were #1 in sinkook for 2 months straaaight congraaats Click read and enjoy the whole storyyy mwaaah