Quote Of The Day ツ
A place where you will find one beautiful quote by amazing personalities everyday. ~♥~ The Ultimate Heaven For Quote Lovers ~♥~
A place where you will find one beautiful quote by amazing personalities everyday. ~♥~ The Ultimate Heaven For Quote Lovers ~♥~
ad·o·les·cence /ˌadlˈesəns/ Noun The period following the onset of puberty during which a young person develops from a child into an adult. Poetry #131 Non-Fiction #51
~♥~Poetry~♥~ A collection of poems I have written. Some are old, some are new. Most of them are written from experiences I've had in life...
This book is a various variety of poems that I wrote when I was between the ages of 11-15. It was when I first began enjoying and loving the wonderful world of poetry. Hope you all enjoy them. -Poet_Megan_Rose