Unforgettable (Cameron Dallas Fan Fiction)
A small town girl meets the famous Cameron Dallas, and learns love is something you have to fight for.
A small town girl meets the famous Cameron Dallas, and learns love is something you have to fight for.
van·quish [vang-kwish, van-] -verb (used with object) 1. to conquer or subdue by superior force, as in battle. 2. to defeat in any contest or conflict; victorious 3. to overcome or overpower #1 in Cameron Dallas 2014 #2 & #3 in Cameron Dallas 2015
Because of a horrific past back in Tennessee, Sam, her mom, and her brother, Drew, had to move all the way to California. Sam isn't one to try and make friends, so she keeps to herself. Her brother on the other hand, is a a huge chick magnet. He easily makes friends. One of those friends happens to be the other hottes...