3 Lies
With 3 lies and 6 parts, this is the story that revolves around a boy and his pet dog, along with the lies that they had with each other. Inspired by Makoto Shinkai's 'She and her cat: Their standing points (1999)'
With 3 lies and 6 parts, this is the story that revolves around a boy and his pet dog, along with the lies that they had with each other. Inspired by Makoto Shinkai's 'She and her cat: Their standing points (1999)'
So the problem is, I start falling in love with the most gorgeous girl I've ever met. To think that I would ever hook up with her let alone start a relationship with her would be a dream come true. But the thing is, I find out about her. About her personal life and her family and it is not what I expected. It may ruin...