Wild Little Thistle
"No matter what you think, Conde isn't just there to be your friend. And no matter what Francis says, you're not enough. Not enough to replace a whole family."
"No matter what you think, Conde isn't just there to be your friend. And no matter what Francis says, you're not enough. Not enough to replace a whole family."
In order to dissuade the long standing Auld Alliance; of a union set to strengthen separate nations against England, Mary Tudor had sent for her to seduce the next King of France.
What if Mary was named as Elizabeth's successor early on so they were allies? What if Francis and Mary's engagement were established later? What if Nostradamus had a different vision? Will they find love? Or ever be happy?
Love looks pretty on you. Makes you soft, tender, proud. Makes you sit up and take notice. Gives you a home to set down things. What a blessing it is to have music, dancing and poetry. What a gift it is, to look at someone and say, I'm so happy to have found you- at last, at last, at long last- you're here. - Lang L...
I think somewhere, in a parralel world, we made love in a garden filled with wilted flowers. Our trembling hands reaching out towards the sky, trying to grasp the last watery rays of a dying sun- two hearts colliding and shattering into a million tiny stars. - Lang Leav