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  • "Călăul"
    7.4M 287K 108

    CARTE NEEDITATĂ " Dacă nu exprimi vreo emoție, nu înseamnă că nu trăiești una. " Megaloman. Acerb. Ardent. Maximilian Browns își petrece majoritatea vieții construind un zid acaparant și tulburător care să-l apare de-o posibilă ea. Treptat, cărămizile indiferenței, misteriozității și durității formează un scut de...

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  • Indecent
    1.4M 82.9K 50

    Ea îşi privea apatic viitorul, el nu reuşea să cuprindă prezentul. Ea îşi detesta trecutul, el era ignorant în faţa a tot ceea ce îl înconjura. Ea dispreţuia eşecurile, el era cel mai mare eşec al vieţii sale. Împreună se respingeau, separaţi se atrăgeau. Reyna Maxwoo...

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  • On Thin Ice
    647K 11.4K 42

    Calgary. The city full of reminisces and a past Autumn Kingsley's tried an immense amount to leave behind, enclosed in the depths of her hometown where she grew up. Atlas Miller. Rude, closed off and someone who desperately tries to obstruct any form of emotion. What happens when they both unexpectedly cross paths and...

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  • 13th Street
    1.2M 78.7K 60

    "River face parte dintr-o bandă, umblă vorba prin liceu. Juliana se înțelege bine cu toată lumea. River poartă mereu după el aceeași bandană neagră, legată de încheietura mâinii lui stângi. Juliana portă mereu la gât același lănțișor din argint pe care l-a primit în copilărie de la cel mai bun prieten al ei. River își...

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  • Over My Dead Body
    38.1M 1.1M 68

    Deadly assassins Allegra and Ace have been trying in vain to kill each other for years. With a mutual enemy threatening their mafias, they find themselves in an unexpected alliance, and soon discover killing each other isn't the only temptation they need to resist... ****** Allegra Grey is poised to be the next great...

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  • Lilah
    90.6M 1.9M 48

    #1 in Young Adult #9 in Badboy #1 in Cold #3 in Goodgirl #1 in Sweetheart #14 in Love *Currently available at Amazon!!!* He'd never met someone with such a bubbly personality. Not to mention the wildness and odd phrases she'd say every five minutes. He hates it. He hates how he can't stay away from it. He hates what s...

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  • We Weren't Acting
    8.7M 235K 61

    Warning this book is rough. Not edited. We wanted privacy. We wanted a normal relationship with no high expectations. But that's hard when you have a whole fan base keeping tabs on your relationship. With that comes no privacy and very high expectations. ...

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  • Perfect Illusion
    77.2M 3M 63

    Perfect Illusion is the FIRST book in the Perfect series, followed by the soon-to-be released film PERFECT ADDICTION. Published as an ebook/ on kindle ***** When college student Alex Woods agrees to a fake engagement plot to save her paren...

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  • Benefits
    2.2M 45.9K 105

    Out of everyone she chooses him. Out of everyone he chooses her. *** Dawn and Jake despise each other, but the sexual tension continues to eat away at them both. One thing leads to another and they make a Benefits deal. Not friends nor enemies. Just benefits. Through the benefits deal they begin to open to one another...

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  • Bad Boy's Game
    71M 2.2M 46

    He lit his cigarette, I lit nothing. He drank alcohol, I drank water. He smirked, I smiled. He didn't love me, I didn't love him. He and I together wouldn't last a day. And then the game started... He said he found me intriguing, unique, and interesting because I didn'...

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  • Bad Boy Roommate ✔︎✔︎
    54.2M 1.3M 70

    after a prank gone terribly wrong, hayden jones is sent across country to caldwell academy, a school for the bitchy, the dangerous and the rebellious. and if that wasn't bad enough, it becomes much worse when hayden is accidentally put in the male dormitory, landing her in a room with the school's notorious heartbreak...

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  • Our Souls Collided I ✔️
    7.6M 180K 69

    (Currently being re-written & grammar fixed outside of wattpad, I will be republishing very soon.) Josephine Katavana, the sweet librarian you would meet on a normal day at the library, struggling with her anxiety. She thought she knew it all and had her life planned out until she met someone, someone she never knew...

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  • Duplicity [h.s]
    103M 1.7M 102

    "Smoking is bad, you know." The placid voice speaks up from the distant dark corner, nothing to see but a tall silhouette and an orange glow of a cigarette cherry. "It's the least of my problems," I murmur with my own between my lips, proceeding to feel the stagnant debris valley my throat when I suck delicately. He...

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  • once upon a football
    507K 14.8K 64

    WARNING: This book was written when I was 11 and 12 years old so ignore all the mistakes and cringe-ness LOL What's with the petty Cinderella? Her story sucks. I mean, she trips and loses a shoe, and voila! A prince comes to marry her. Is that really possible? Well, I'll tell you what is really possible. Katie Marlon...

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  • Cuts and Bruises
    6.7M 189K 28

    She hears all the locker room talk. She helps when the guys drink too much before a game. She tapes them up when they're injured. And in return, they watch her back. While most students spend their time partying, Lily spends her free time working. But her job as the assistant athletic trainer for the PSU football tea...

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  • My Billionaire Cure
    11.9M 491K 64

    "Are you okay?" The three words he fell for. The three words he wanted to hear. The three words that cured him. ____________________ Marcus Anderson is a cold hearted billionaire entangled in his dark past. He is perfect to the eye but broken underneath. Family is not something he believes in. He prefers to bear the...

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  • Kol
    136K 6.7K 35

    El glumeț,ea serioasă. El important,ea o oarecare. Aparent,total opuși unul față de celălalt. Se întâlnesc în cel mai neașteptat moment,în cel mai ridicol moment. Cine ar fi crezut? Magneții opuși se atrag. Însă,există o singură problemă..Ei nu sunt magneți.

  • Taming the Street Racer ✔️
    30.1M 884K 71

    He tips my head toward his with his index finger, keeping my eyes trained on him and driving me crazy with the primal look on his face. His grey eyes look heavy, filled with dark desire, and a shock runs up through my core. Everything around us disappears and all I can sense is him and the hardness pressing between my...

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  • Fake Fiancée
    4M 132K 49

    [Complete] There's a thin line between pretend and reality, there's a thin line between love and hate. How did we ever manage to break them both? ❁ Warning: This story contains strong scenes of drug abuse, bad words, and you may need a box of tissues. Or twenty. Cover by - moonxriver

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  • I'm back and badass
    788K 17.5K 41

    My name is Valentina Myers, I'm 18 years old and I'm back. I went to Ablin High School for freshman year until I fell for Jack Hill. I thought it was love but little did I know he was just another player. After he dumped me on my birthday I was angry at myself for falling hard for him. So I moved to Chicago with my un...

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  • Met His Match ✓
    5.1M 105K 44

    Noah davis is your typical college guy and he loves it. Used to being with a different girl every week, he relishes the chase of an impossible target. But when the new girl arrives there is something about her that catches his attention. Lily Masters is a girl with a past - one that she would rather forget. So when No...

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  • În liniștea pădurii
    151K 11.5K 41

    "Când totul în jurul tău se prăbușește, închide ochii și respiră." Katherine este nevoită să ia viața de la zero atunci când se decide să își părăsească soțul abuziv. Singura ei scăpare este să se mute pentru o perioadă la părinții ei, într-un mic oraș la munte. Dar cum o iei de la capăt, cu un copil de patru ani ș...

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  • Până la sfârșit
    112K 7.6K 27

    Volumul I: Până la sfârșit Volumul II: Încearcă să supraviețuiești Trecutul? O greșeală. Prezentul? O luptă continuă cu propria persoană. Viitorul? O incertitudine. Studentă în anul trei la psihologie, Harlow nu a crezut că viața ei poate lua o întorsătură atât de drastică într-o singură noapte. Kade Brainerd. Un coșm...

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  • Dare or Dare? | COMPLETED
    338K 12.2K 45

    "We said whoever eats the most pizza has to do the dare no matter how cruel or easy it is." This is just a glimpse of our sleepovers. Ivy and Autumn always drag me into some kind of trap to do their evil dares. Tonight, they used my worst weakness, food. Sighing, "fine. I'll take the dare." They cheered and high-five...

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  • Dangerous Love I. Obsession
    10.7M 239K 62

    După divorţul părinţilor săi, viaţa lui Katherine se schimbă radical. Renunţă la toate planurile pentru viitor şi cade în capcana drogurilor şi a unui stil de viaţă desfrânat şi periculos. Când tatăl ei reuşeşte să o tragă din întuneric, ia hotărârea de a se muta împreună într-un nou oraş, care însă ascunde alte secre...

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  • The BadBoy's Game ✔️ [COMPLETED]
    645K 21.7K 33

    Meet Kia Allen. The girl probably at the bottom of the popularity pyramid. She and her three siblings were names after cars. Now meet Mason Small, millionaire, playboy, bad boy. You get it. Mason needs a girlfriend before his parents head off to China for their business trip. Otherwise, he's stuck with a old lady th...

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  • Doar un pariu? Volumul 2
    190K 9.7K 71

    Maia Black,o adolescentă normală care este plăcută de toată lumea,dar ea place doar o persoană. Persoana greșită. Iubirea ei interzisă. Ea, împreună cu Derek Bae, formează un cuplu frumos.. dar oare vor lăsa neînţelegerile familiilor lor să le stea în cale? Oare Maia va alege iubirea unui băiat pe care nu îl iubeste,d...

  • Make me | 1
    875K 36.3K 80

    VOLUMUL 1. Mia Alcott. Lucas Denzel. Cine ar fi crezut vreodată că Universul ar fi întocmit întâlnirea absurdă a două opuse care se atrag, tocmai în dreptul lor? Mia Alcott este o fată drăguță și inocentă, care nu are prea multe așteptări. Mai mereu își petrece timpul alături de prietenele sale, Melissa și Saffron...

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  • Iubire periculoasă
    7.8M 311K 107

    Abygail Smith, o tânără în vârstă de nouăsprezece ani, crede că știe exact ce își dorește de la viață . Însă, după o petrecere la care merge însoțită de cea mai bună prietenă , lumea ei perfectă este zguduită din temelii . Dylan Turner obține întodeauna ce vrea. Sexy si provocator, băiatul o face să simtă dragostea ș...

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  • Pe Urmele Pericolului
    621K 42.1K 48

    "M-ai rănit suficient, acum e rândul meu." După ce mama ei moare într-un accident de mașină, iar familia i se destramă, fiecare găsindu-și propriul mecanism prin care să treacă peste această tragedie, Skyler este nevoită să înfrunte abuzurile tatălui său ce o învinovățește pentru moartea mamei. Ajunsă la limita andura...

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