Invincible || L.S
"هُناكَ حيثُ بَدأَ كُل شيءٍ..، بَدأَ بِإمتِزاجِ الأخضرِ بِالأزرقِ." •Larry Stylinson •Louis Top •Harry bottom •جميع الحُقوق عائِدةٌ لي. •تَحتوي علىٰ ألفاظٍ ، و مشاهِدٍ جِنسية مُفَّصلة 'كثيرة' مِن نفسِ الجنس. •و الكثيرُ مِن الكُفر.
"هُناكَ حيثُ بَدأَ كُل شيءٍ..، بَدأَ بِإمتِزاجِ الأخضرِ بِالأزرقِ." •Larry Stylinson •Louis Top •Harry bottom •جميع الحُقوق عائِدةٌ لي. •تَحتوي علىٰ ألفاظٍ ، و مشاهِدٍ جِنسية مُفَّصلة 'كثيرة' مِن نفسِ الجنس. •و الكثيرُ مِن الكُفر.
القلب لم ينبض لكنه سُحِر به ، لجماله الفاحش و النادر .. و لأنّه الملك العظيم ، هو يريده ..ذاك الفتى له . Zarry Short Story سطور القصة بالكامل بقلمي بما فيها الخواطر و الشعر
معركة الحب و مثلث مجروح ، قلوب مكسورة و دموعٍ مؤلمة تزيّن الوجوه بسبب Zarry سطور القصة بالكامل بقلمي متضمنةً الخواطر و الشعر
انت رهن إشارتي لعام كامل لا تكون فخوراً بذاتك فالسبب رِهان انت لا شيء .. سطور القصة بالكامل بقلمي بما فيها الخواطر و الشعر ZARRY
أنا مَن ستكون متعطشاً دوماً لحضوري و تبكي نيراناً شوقاً لعيوني أنا وباء مميت و داء خطير حينما اذهب يوماً ...تذكر ذلك جيداً انت ستكون بلا هوية بلا قلب بلا روح بلا سبب للعيش مُحطماً بالكامل .. خطايا رجل سيّء لـ سينيورينا ريم لهذه الرواية جزء ثاني بعنوان ^ إعتذارات رجل سيء ^ كافة سطور القصة بقلمي بما فيها ال...
~ و لسوف تعتذر مني بقدر ما آلمتني و لسوف أرفضك بقدر ما كسرتني ~ عزيزي القارئ هذه القصة هي الجزء الثاني لـ ~ خطايا رجل سيء ~ لو لم تقرأ الجزء الاول فلن تفهم الجزء الثاني .. سطور القصة بالكامل بقلمي بما فيها الخواطر و الشعر..
Toy [noun] - A person treated by another as a source of pleasure or amusement rather then with due seriousness. © 2013 Akshaya
Zayn Malik was always different compared to the other children as he grew up. He was never understood, and in turn never understood the others, so he lived in his dream world of doodles, colours and drawings. He finally reaches out to the tall, curly haired Harry Styles, but how will the popular Harry react to the qu...
"You're jumping so high and expect me to do the same ... But I'm not ready"
His name is Zayn Malik, but sometimes he likes to be called Veronica. Veronica is just a man who really likes wearing skirts to work. Harry Styles is the cocky millionaire who honestly thinks he could only ever be attracted to pretty women in women's clothing. That is, until he meets Zayn and slowly realizes he actual...
Harry is twenty three years old law student, who was pushed forward by his strict parents. They planned his whole life, what made Harry rugged and unpleasant. Zayn is seventeen years old boy working at the small cafe, owned by Mrs Hannah. He has to take care of his little sister Darcy on his own. What will happen when...
"You're my hulk, Harry." Zayn digs a finger into Harry's chest. Harry stops walking and looks down at Zayn. He gulps, "I'm what?" Or a Zarry Au Where Harry won't let Zayn into his apartment. Zayn wants to know why.
In a world where everyone is born with a heart tattoo that turns red when they meet their soulmate, Zayn Malik burned his' when he was younger therefore losing his tattoo. He was all right with an incompetent mark that is until he meets Harry Styles.
Harry Styles met Zayn Malik on a sunny morning when the bright yellow Sun fought against the gloomy dark sky and won.
Tell me how to be like you. Give my heart to anyone, like you. Never regret it, just like you. Teach me, I wanna be like you. Start date: 21 October 2021 Finish date: Cover made by @Laovra.
ولو حدث اي شيئ سابقى احبك لاخر نفساً بحياتي.. والدي من تزوج والدته والامر صعب لاننى امير وهو.كذلك وهو يرفض أيضاً بشدة واللعنة لم اتوقع بيوم من الايام اننى ساقع بحبه...
it's been a year since Justin left Zayn. He's risen to great fame, already working on his 3rd album. He hasn't heard anything about the 18 year old heartbroken boy he left behind. If only he knew about "Zaynie's" new life -- Zayn has also rised on the charts since his first album came out, and has not dated anyone sin...
"You're okay, I promise I won't hurt you," Justin coos to the boy laying on the ground. Zayn whimpers as he moves away from the EMT. "Hey, you're going to be okay. What's your name?" Justin places his hand on Zayn's cheek. "Z-Zayn," he stutters out. Justin nods, smiling a bit. "I'm Justin. My friend Marie is going t...
Zayn is a mermaid and Justin is quite famous for hunting mermaids and he makes fortunes off of them. But somewhere along the line of chasing Zayn, he falls in love.
'Okay! Okay! You got me.' Where Zayn is a young gay father, and Justin is the asshole who harasses him.
Zayn loves Harry. Harry loves Zayn. If only they could man up, confess their love instead of dancing around each other. And Harry refrains from sleeping around to erase his feelings! Why does love have to be so damn complicated. It doesn't help they are also roommates. Even when they get their act together, it seems...
Life is unfair, something that Zayne knows from experience. His whole life is unfair. His birth wasn't allowed, his existence hated as his mother gave him up to chase her own dreams. Punished for choices he didn't even make,Zayne has only known a cruel and bitter life with his pack, the life of an Omega. Through a twi...
زين الفتى العربي المجتهد المحتشم الذي أبتعث الى امريكا ليكمل دراسته هناك ، حيث يقابل الفتى الاشقر الوقح الفاجر جستن زميل حجرته في السكن . تحذير : تظهر في الرواية مشاهد غير لائقة +عنف
عندما تتجلى صفات الكمال في ملامحك و يعجز اللسان عن وصف نقاوتك ليبجل الرب الذي صَورَ كمالك و ليبجل الرب الذي خلق في عينيك محيطاً يغنيني عن ألف محيط Larry stylinson || cover by : @sparadiseN
بعد ان قامت عائلة زين بطرده لكونه رجل حامل لا احد يحتويه ، لذا هو اُجبر على البقاء في شجيره غير مريحه مع بعض المؤنه التي تمكن من اخذها قبل ان ترميه عائلته خارجا للعالم الوحيد ، هل سيجد زين شخصاً ما ليؤكده هو وطفله ؟
لكل عائله احداث و مواقف سوف تظل دائما في تاريخ تلك العائله و لكن أحداث عائله زين مالك و لوى توملينسون ليست كأي احداث ، فهم عائله مختلفه .. مختلفه تماما .
القصة مترجمة او مقتبسة من قصة اجنبية اسمها "fuck boy" للكاتبة @fakezain الرواية سمت التحديث يومي *زيام* +18