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- Тэгвэл тэр бурхан чинь ч миний эсрэг сөрөх ёсгүй! Би хүссэн л бол авна, занасан л бол ална!
- Тэгвэл тэр бурхан чинь ч миний эсрэг сөрөх ёсгүй! Би хүссэн л бол авна, занасан л бол ална!
A single stolen picture of Taehyung that circulated in a famous social platform has changed the course of his life. Gone are the peaceful days as Taehyung finds himself accepting a job offer, a one that he never dreamt of venturing in. ****** Kim Taehyung, a writer/columnist/book critic, has never imagined himself to...
The love that has blossomed in Taehyung's heart since childhood for a total stranger who saved him from dying one fatal night is the sole reason for his hopes to find love again. For few years, he stayed loyal to someone he is unsure to have existed in reality, for his memory seemed to be twisted as he remembers the m...
New parts every week on Fridays at 10PM ET ***** It's the day of visitors. But the visitors to Sin-si are unwelcomed, vengeful beom. Unforgotten animosity fills the air and rage collides, soaking the ground with blood. Seven boys take up their weapons to end this fight, once and for all. 7FATES: CHAKHO with BTS *****...
The Fanarts are often from: naeriy. (Instagram) mufindesu. (Instagram and twitter) Eros_kv. (Twitter) daddygvk. (Instagram) plainpainn. (Twitter) m.g.9393. (Instagram) Eng: [ATTENTION: A few chapter sections have been reported by someone, which is why they are no longer visible .. So please don't be surprised] But sti...