LOLA - Valentina B. (Obsessed #3)
"Stojim pred tobom kao LOLA i tražim još jednu priliku POSLJEDNJU"
"Stojim pred tobom kao LOLA i tražim još jednu priliku POSLJEDNJU"
-I onda sve je započelo. Strasno i tjelesno-mračno i opasno. Bio je rizik -upoznati ga. Način na koji me promatrao, budio je u meni sve ono što nisam znala da postoji. Muškarac koji je iza sebe ostavljao samo čežnju i bol, uvukao mi se u DNA i nakon našeg prvog susreta zapečatio sudbinu. Stranac u mojim očima, čovjek...
Karmen gradska cura i On Dominik divlji Dalmatinac. I da stvar bude još gora, iste narukvice nisu samo iste. Nije to nešto o čemu ćemo porazgovarati, otkriti, završiti i poći svatko svojim putem. Iste narukvice, imam osjećaj, su nešto što nas zauvijek povezuje. I ako ih izgubimo ili namjerno bacimo, svejedno...nast...
Njezin nekadašnji prijatelj nije stigao sam. Donio je sa sobom tajnu koju želi podijeliti samo s njom. Je li tajna dovoljno jaka da ih ponovno spoji?
Druga knjiga iz serijala "Samo jednom...." Lorena Vidov i Juraj Lauc
On je drski biznismen, a ona je samozatajna i skromna djevojka iz predgrađa. Što će se dogoditi kada se dva različita svijeta sudare i izazovu iskre koje bi se mogle pretvoriti u požar? Saznajte u nastavcima. 🥇#1 Hrvatska (02.05.2019.) 🥇#1 Croatia(02.05.2019.), 🏅2 Croatia (07.05.2019.) 🥇#1 romance(02.05.2019.) ...
In which survival is put through the ultimate test. It is said that the supernatural world was like a thin sheet of glass - for it was far too harmonic; far too fragile for those to wreak havoc upon. Albeit, there was a hybrid that could shatter it with the touch of her finger, with the air of her presence...
Everyone dies, someday and somehow. Sixteen year old Allie is dying of cancer. More than anything, she wants to be a normal teenager. But pretending is exhausting and the lies pile up. With a chance at first love and true friends, Allie must choose between maintaining the pretence or risking everything with the trut...
{Book #1 of The Obsessed Series} When Adam Levine named his debut album Songs About Jane, he never anticipated the questions that would haunt him for years to come. Who is Jane? Where is Jane? Are you still in love with Jane? Now more than a decade after she left, Adam is still writing songs about the girl that g...
He doesn't know love at all. She wished she never knew love. What if love came between them? Would he believe it? Would she give it another chance?