How to Make Book Covers
I also take requests :)
Corry is a teen girl with some... issues. Two sides of her are in constant battle. She knows she has a problem, but she doesn't trust anyone with her personal life, especially the so-called "therapists". So she does things get own way, DIY style. NOT A ROMANCE!
A book for girls.It has all tutorials and advices for a girl.'Dreamteeam' are the people who inspired me to write this book, so please check it out.
Basically I'm going to post helpful do it yourself stuff on here:) Comment requests!
How to Guide. Life Tips. DIYs & More (Updates are every Sunday) - Completed Closed for Request! Helping People since 4/20/14 Comment 'ily' if I've helped! #3 in outfits ??! damn that's pretty cool, thx guys! #3 in here to help Note: I wrote this a while ago so there's probably a lot of grammar mistakes and typos! Fai...
This includes: -DIY's -Tutorials -Easy Recipes -Fashion -Decorations Also random shizz like quotes,horoscopes, etc **Some if not most of these DIY's can be found online. No copyright intended**
Just trying to help out people with a few DIY's, beauty tips and tricks, and so much more! Leave comments on what you would like to see and always ask questions. THIS BOOK WAS PREVIOUSLY CALLED: DIY'S & BEAUTY TIPS PLEASE DO NOT GET CONFUSED
This Story, Well more of Tips book Will have every beauty tip you need. That you CAN do at home with simple stuff. Did you know Lemon Reduces Stretch marks, Brightens your face, Whitens Your Skin? If not then you need My BOok. So hurry. INSTAGRAM:ZOHA1233
This book of DIY tutorials will help you with almost everything a girl needs! Must read book! Thanks!
This book is a MUST READ! This is a book with fashion and beauty tips for whoever wants to read it. There are lots of helpful tips that are some of my personal favorites. I guarantee that you will like at least a part of this book.
you know YouTube accounts of diys? you know instagram accounts with diys, tips, and tutorials? Well, this is the first ever tutorial,tips, and diy book on wattpad! Any suggestions? Just comment!
Who doesn't like them a good book that contains; DIYs, Helpful Tips ,Latest Fashion, Gossip, Make-Up, Helping you with daily problems? ... All of the following is coming your way if you check out this helpful book for young phenomenal ladies. - Jayla New Chapters Starting 2016 !
People have been asking me for some useful tips to help us keep clean and to sparkle. So if you need some help or have any questions to ask don't be afraid to. Also if you know any tips that I haven't posted and might help please tell me and I'll definitely give you a shout out. Thanks and please read.
If you want more like this comment questions or follow me and inbox me them and I'll anserwed them in my next book thanks !!!:)
Life hacks are so awesome! They have been extremely popular this year so far, and the "Tumblr" style of tips/hacks are the most popular! Here is a collection of life hacks/Tumblr tips that I have personally found useful. Enjoy the tips/hacks! **I DO NOT CLAIM THESE TIPS/HACKS! MOST ARE FOUND FROM TUMBLR, WE ♡ IT, T...