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  • Alles über Wicca
    8.7K 329 9

    Für alle, die etwas darüber erfahren wollen, die vielleicht auch demnächst auf dem Weg von Gott und Göttin wandeln, für jene, die es schon tun, und jene die denken, Wicca habe etwas mit Satanismus zutun. Ich werde nämlich schildern, was eine Wicca ist, ab wann, und das es NICHTS mit Satanismus zu tun hat.

  • Magische Gegenstände für Wicca
    3.1K 169 9

    Dieses hier ist sozusagen Band 2 von meinen Wicca Büchern. Hier werde ich auf die Gegenstände und Locations usw. eingehen. Enjoy it!!

  • Hexenkräuter
    13K 359 40

    Alle möglichen Kräuter, über die man Bescheid wissen muss.

  • Edelsteine und ihre Wirkungen
    7K 294 21

    Naja, es geht darum wann man Edelsteine hernimmt, da jeder Edelstein unterschiedliche Verwendungszwecke hat.

  • Demonology And Angelology
    3.9K 60 19

    Almost Anything and Everything about Angels and Demons I do not own anything Everything here I do not own. Only the title

  • History of Satanism
    1.9K 62 8

    Read the book before you judge out of mere fear instilled in you by other religions or your (own) This is a brief history of satanism that covers a lot of question about the religion. All are welcome and free to read this book. I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR THIS WORK ALL HAS BEEN GATHERED FROM THE INTERNET.

  • Satanism
    9K 197 30

    There is missing areas, Yes I know. If you want to see pictures and links, I highly suggest you go to They have everything you need. The clear up theories and such by others, Like, Satanists are a type of Atheists, Not followers of Satan. Thinking Satanism is edgy is predictable w...

  • WITCHCRAFT AND WICCA by an eclectic witch
    11.1K 461 52

    This is all about wicca and witchcraft from the perspective of an eclectic witch

  • The Complete Encyclopedia of Wizarding Charms, Hexes, Jinxes, and Spells
    717 2 25

    E.A. Underwood (1849-1999), was renowned for his extensive reference collections on such topics as spell theory, magical creatures, magical ontology, and spell etymology. His most popular piece is one of his first, The Complete Encyclopedia of Wizarding Charms, Hexes, Jinxes, and Spells. Now in its twelfth edition, th...

  • sun magick
    559 27 11

    this book dives into magick of the sun, what it is, how to use it, etc. a more niche part of witchcraft for a more niche audience.

  • Katie Lazuli's Book of Shadows
    2.1K 44 16

    This is a digital version of my actual Book of Shadows. It will be updated accordingly. You may use this as a reference but keep in mind, it is tailored to me.

  • Tarot Spreads
    49.1K 372 80

    Tarot cards are a tool used to help you tap into your own intuition and the wisdom of the universal energy that guides your life. "What Are Tarot Spreads? ~ A spread is the arrangement of cards used in a reading. Each position in a spread is associated with a different aspect of the question posed." Please note: T...

  • The Guide To Herbs, Plants, Flowers, And How To Identify And Use Them.
    567 53 4

    A book on how to identify and use herbs. *Note: This is not a magical HP herb book but an actual guide to herbs and how to use them for just a simple cup of tea or medicinally. :)

  • Book Of Shadows: all about the practice and paths
    429 39 10

    This is my online Grimoire and some excerpts from my personal book of shadows. This will be a collaborative work with my dear mellilla, Lisye. Contains the basics, such as the history of witchcraft, different paths, information on the different religions associated with witchcraft. As well as spells and rituals. Feel...

  • The Witches Grimoire - Witchcraft 101
    992 37 10

    This is a Book Of Shadows for witchcraft practitioners, such as myself. If you're coming here for childhood spells, this isn't the right place. Some things will include, but not limited to: Spells Sigils Deities Paganism Moon Phases Witchy Youtubers Incense Symbols ☽ Hope you enjoy your stay! - Your local Norse Pagan...

  • Spirit Guides
    3.5K 136 3

    In this book I will talk about Spirit Guides: what they are, what they do, and how to contact them. Silajuqia, Kloë, Liltora, Nali, Holly, Hiro, and Mikhael are my Spirit Guides. I will talk about each of them, their life stories, and my relationship with them.

  • my book of shadows
    21.2K 319 35

    This is my book of shadows of what i have so far, NO matter what i will always find things that i find you should know in here. I am also learning so if you ever have a question just message me and i will try and help you. Thanks for reading.

  • Some Pagan Symbols
    5.1K 78 5

    Just some of the basic Pagan symbols.

  • Book of Shadows
    150K 2.2K 83

    Spells from my book of shadows. Some spells are mine but some aren't, they are all real and have been proven to work, and use no black magick!

  • Dark Magic
    14.1K 271 15

    Amazing spells that may or may not work.

  • Grimoire Witch {MASTERBOOK}
    1.3K 34 7

    This grimoire is a study book for people who want to get into wicca, paganism etc. all about witchcraft and beyond.

  • Baby witch guide to witchcraft and other practices
    1.7K 36 27

    Are you a baby witch? Do you not know where to go to do research? Well to make your journey into your practice a little bit easier, here is a beginner guide. Please note that everyone's path is different and wont be the same. Create your path and follow it.

  • An *Actual* Beginner's Guide to Forms of Witchcraft
    8K 119 13

    This is not Wicca, please realize that before you read -- I'm tagging Wicca because lots of people search Wicca while looking for something else. This is a casual guide to find info on modern day witchcraft. Hope you enjoy!

  • A How to Guide to Witchcraft
    629 4 12

    Spells, Curses, Hexes, Solutions, Meditation, Magical Corresponences This guide contains the following: - An Introduction to the Chakras - Positive Energy - Negative Energy - White Magic - Black Magic - Voodoo - Santeria - An Introduction to Poppets - About The Moon Phases - Meditation - How To Make Your Own Spells ...

  • Witchcraft Help
    352 17 9

    If you a beginner witch or just have a few questions, you might find help here. I will cover basic knowledge such as rain water, colors, auras, palm reading, tarot, and more. If you have any question feel free to comment. That's it for now.

  • Water & Sea Witchcraft
    825 31 6

    Hello (water & sea) witches! 🌊🐚 I have decided to make an on-line version of my Book of Tides. You are going to find here tips, spells and lot of more things that are mostly related to water/sea witchcraft, but I swear that even other types of witches will find there a lot of informations and inspiration. 💫 Althoug...

  • One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi (Herbology)
    9.4K 115 13

    This version of One Thousand Herbs and Fungi includes only the main herbs and fungi, making it an easier read for beginners.

  • Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
    3K 25 35

    encyclopedia of magical herbs

  • Wicca for the solidarity practitioners
    34.6K 762 43

    This is a book all about the Wiccan religion and much more things you need to know about Wicca to convert to the Wiccan religion

  • Guide To Create Your Own Wiccan Book Of Shadows
    59.3K 687 20

    Easy guide to create your own Book of Shadows,In this book you can learn to bind a new book and design your Book Of Shadows
