Worm's Tales
Just a collection of short stories that I have written.
Dvě odlišné osoby Stydlivá dívka, má špatné zkušenosti s kluky a proto se jich převážně bojí. Má jednu kamarádku a na škole moc oblíbená není. Oblíbený kluk, každá holka na škole ho chce. Je to typický bad boy střední školy. A co mají společného? Oba dva milují tanec Story by _IamAnett_ 2019-2020 Cover by: ICry69
❤️Who would have thought that a high school can be this dense, witches can be this blind and system can be this broken. Everything is upside down. Elvira just got to her grandmother's full custody. This fifteen-year-old girl puts her full trust in her grandma and lets her choose the best high school for her. Surprisin...