美好的时光总是很短暂的。 那一年,因为一场意外的发生而让他们认识了对方。从那一次发生开始以后,他们就每天常一起到家附近的一个公园玩耍。 认识久了以后,才知道对方是住着同样一个地区。可惜,唯一女孩不知道男孩唯一的一件事,那就是男孩的名字,所以就以他名为“海”。 但是……日子久了以后,原本以为能和他一起玩到长大,能和他一起度过美好的时光。可是,她的想法却是错的。 有一天,那个人却在无理的情况下,一声不响地离开了她。女孩伤心了好几天。但是,在他离开之前,他们俩人做了一个约定,那就是以后还会再相见。 女孩坚信着他们那时候一起做的约定,所以她等了好几年,他始终都没回来找她。渐渐的,她对他的感情、等待已经逐渐的消失。慢慢的,她爱上了别人。 她...
一场战争夺走了诺斯特星球上大量的资源。在这颗常年如冬,逐渐堕落的星球上,人民贫富极端,民不聊生。资源的欠缺孕育了无尽的悲伤与痛苦。凝天来自于一家贫困的小家庭,由于经费不足以抚养凝天因此自幼便被抛弃于寒冷的小巷。 幸运地,凝天被一群劫匪收养,并将其培育成一名劫匪,当个生存于社会底层的过街老鼠。在这个弱肉强食的世界,只存在着掠夺与失去。只有变得更强大,才能这个世界上继续生存。
[2021 WATTYS Winner] Giovanna joins a handsome nobleman to save a friend from an arranged marriage, but they discover a plot that may have victims of Venice's Black Death rising from their graves. * * * As a child, Giovanna Visconti learned the arts of bloodletting and elixir brewing from her father with an intent to...
On Christmas Eve, around 1812, Pip, an orphan who is about six years old, encounters an escaped convict in the village churchyard while visiting the graves of his mother, father, and siblings. The convict scares Pip into stealing food and a file to grind away his shackles, from the home he shares with his abusive olde...
The story is about an orphan, Oliver Twist, who endures a miserable existence in a workhouse and then is placed with an undertaker. He escapes and travels to London where he meets the Artful Dodger, leader of a gang of juvenile pickpockets. Naively unaware of their unlawful activities, Oliver is led to the lair of the...
We all live once. Think. Be smart and be wise and choose the right way to live and don't be foolish. This book is basically quotes from famous people, books, and movies that they left behind.
人类世界不只有人类。你不是你。 希望在这你可以了解到守护者们。 不过 打开了第三只眼 便闭不上了 在现实世界的副作用 我可不管 这不是一个美好的童话 只是 “现实” 这个故事有着不同守护者的记忆
人家都说生辰八字属阴的人极易见鬼,我不信! 因为活了二十二年,鬼没有见过一只,色鬼倒是见了不少。 直到鬼节那天我出了车祸,撞翻了一辆兰博基尼,造成司机车毁人亡。 而我只是被那车子的近光灯射伤眼球之后,我便发现...... 我的世界清晰了!我的近视不见了!我他妈的见鬼了!!! 当那个帅的乱七八糟的男鬼要对我以身相许的时候,我彻底凌乱了! 窗前飘荡的无头女尸,半夜十二点婴儿的啼哭声,人肉水饺,浑身长眼的男人等等等等。 当一件又一件的诡异事件接踵而来,我的人生便不再属于自己... 我遇见了种种不同的"人类" 他们都是。。。 这个具有挑战性的爱情故事 到最后女主角变成了。。。 男女主角一起体验各种的风风雨雨 究竟故事的结局会是怎样的呢?
The ocean was an unforgiving force that took as it pleased and gave little back. Astrid knew that to be a fact. After the tragedy of her mother's death, she watched her father's sanity collapse as he was driven to prove that it was more than just a boating accident. Unlike him, she stayed well away from the water's ed...
Astronaut Ella Stark is one of the youngest astronauts to go to Mars, only at age 20 has been the top of her class and the most knowledgeable with her engineering. Ella is given a mission to go to mars and collect information and data from it and return back to earth. Simple enough. What Ella didn't expect was having...
My method will help you with everything you'll need in order to write a book or a story. The beautiful new cover is by shining-diamonds! CONTENTS Why this method was created How this method was created Inspiration Creating conflict The pitch Inventing characters Mapping your world Making a story over...
他成为了我无法触及的爱, 你我之间直走到了尽头的友谊。 没有最后的告别,没有挥手的尾声。他我之间,注定没有结局。你我之间,注定不能永久。 原来,我成为了那个牵线的人。 在我最美好的年华里,我遇见了他,但他却不是我的半边橙。 你陪着我走过了开头,却放弃了我的最后。 三人的爱情,就如那电影里,我成为了永远的配角。 感情这事,谁说得清楚、看得明白? 多年之后,终落为美好的回忆。 封面制作特别鸣谢:南逸大咸鱼
京城出了大新闻:乔爷养了十二年的小媳妇跑了,跑了!连儿子都不要了!一时间流言四起:听说是乔爷腹黑又高冷,生活不和谐;听说是小媳妇和别人好上了;听说是儿子太丑。某天,小奶娃找到了叶佳期,委屈巴巴:"七七,爸爸说我是宠物店买的。""宠物店怎么能买到这么漂亮的儿子。"叶佳期呵呵笑,"明明是......摸奖中的。"小奶娃望天:"......" 某男人眯起眼睛:"我喜欢天天摸奖。"叶佳期怒:"乔斯年,出去!"二十岁前,他把她宠上天;二十岁后,他把她和小包子宠上天。从此,京城乔爷,眉间心上,唯独一人。
Li Xiang is the Priestess of the Moon, she can see read the stars and fortune as well as misfortune to her people. However, the life of a Priestess consists of nothing but loneliness: she can neither leave the palace nor meet with anyone but the Emperor and his advisors. One day a mysterious servant boy named Rui sne...
"How do I know you aren't a monster?" "Because you're laying your head on my chest aren't you?" Inhaling deeply I then repositioned my ear so it was over his heart. Instead of hearing the steady heart beat you'd expect though, all I could hear was a soft 'tick tick tick' (c) Copyright 2016 by littleninjamari
A lost boy and a sweet girl. Birdie saw a sight which changed her perspective forever - a Merman. Not the ones on big screens and printed paper, a boy with a blank soul and a pearl tail. After she found him fighting her dog, Teddy, Birdie did whatever proud pet owner would do - fought him. And he let her win. A swee...
If only pills could cure the many sleepless nights I stay awake thinking about you.
他是音乐之城的王子,她是来自遥远国度的落荒公主。 公主莫名其妙地被选为守护者,还被外公派到王子就读的学院就读! 王子背负着拯救国家的使命,答应与一位被命运选中的人,一同守护音乐之城。 同样拥有超凡能力,同样有着王者的身份的二人,会谱出怎么样的交响曲? 不过,虽然本来就是天生一对,但是,在她选择隐瞒身份的那一刻,他们就注定要克服许多难关。 最终,他们是否能够发现他们之间,爱的歌曲?不自信的公主会否找到内心深处的声音,而王子会否用心听自己到底要的是什么? 他们的恋情能否谱出交响曲都靠他们自己的决定了。。。
世間有一種毒藥,它讓一切都變得瘋狂。上到九天之上的仙為了它而被抹除仙籍,下到傲世天下的帝王為了它放棄江山,甚至地獄的鬼魅為了它放棄轉世的機會。它有許多種味道,開始時味道是酸酸甜甜的,以後會變成怎樣就不得而知了。即便它沒有解藥,凡世中的男男女女還是會把它喝下,開始自己的一段緣。 這種無解的毒藥叫愛情。
「月起林中,只身于此,为求谅解,随心即可。」 少女的话语刚落,她便对上了一双犀利的淡蓝色眼眸。然而对方眼里充满太多的情绪,她一时读不清,究竟眼前这双眼曾看过什么? 或许,一切都会因为两人的相遇而产生改变...
[已完结] "那个......我喜欢你。" "然后呢?" "我们在一起吧,你将会是世界上最幸福的女人。" "喂!干嘛吻我?你嘴巴还沾着牛油!不对,我都还没答应你!" "我不管,从今天起,你就是我老婆,不准否认。" "哼,再看你表现怎么样。" 就算是天塌下来,我都会追着你跑,但我更希望你跌倒。 因为你跌倒了,我就追到了。
The story follows the main character Elizabeth Bennet as she deals with issues of manners, upbringing, morality, education, and marriage in the society of the landed gentry of early 19th-century England. Elizabeth is the second of five daughters of a country gentleman living near the fictional town of Meryton in Hertf...
人类都说人狼是没血性的畜生,可能我在狼群长大,满身沾上不少人狼气味,所以觉得狼人也是有人性,只是人类根本不理解。不知何时开始我讨厌人类了,他们比人狼更冷血,让我开始远离人类。寻找我的狼朋友,一段人狼姻缘... 秀荣和星材的相遇会有怎样的结果... (已完结) [第二季待续]
深夜里,若是有双温柔的手抓住你,并用温柔又迷人的声音问你: 跟我走,好吗?去另一个属于我们的世界 你愿意跟他走吗? ~~~~~~~~ 他是另一个世界-----第五度空间的王子 在未来他将会掌控那个世界 她是这个世界的普通中学生 她渺小的存在却吸引了他的目光 他是来自第五度空间的王子 她是来自第三度空间的凡人 相遇之后的火花 是危险还是安全? “要知道,他们排斥你。你还有我。“ ¤本故事纯属虚构¤ ¤如有雷同实属巧合¤
【中文武侠连载小说】 【一生一个故事足矣】 兴和二十五年,多事之秋,北犰和西㺈两大强国在宇国的西北面虎视眈眈,又有真濑、定昌两国夹在中间渔翁得利。 宇国一个骨骼奇差无比的的热血青年找到了传说中的有求必应塔。塔有五层,每一层均比宇国的整个疆土还大。塔内最显赫的四大家族分别由用剑的钟鼎阁阁主公孙毓、用拳脚的桓翳庄庄主薛岱川、用扇的垂星城城主沈彻、用伞的千雪门宗主柳夕泠执掌。 传闻每一层藏着一个对应的黑塔碎片,五层的碎片拼成一个完整的黑塔便可得偿所愿地出塔,无论求荣华富贵,独步武林,大仇得报,或江山美人都会如愿...... (每周三更新) Time present and time past Are both perhaps prese...
The Tempest is a play by William Shakespeare, probably written in 1610-1611, and thought to be one of the last plays that Shakespeare wrote alone. It is set on a remote island, where the sorcerer Prospero, rightful Duke of Milan, plots to restore his daughter Miranda to her rightful place using illusion and skillful m...