PopRocks (A Parb fan fiction)
Barb has feelings for Poppy and wants to have lil poprock troll babies with her but doesn't know how to put that into words when they're not even in a relationship.
Barb has feelings for Poppy and wants to have lil poprock troll babies with her but doesn't know how to put that into words when they're not even in a relationship.
Princess Poppy has to choose to either marry Branch or Creek. When she went into the woods she met a Rock Troll by the name of Barb and then didn't know what to do. The two of them talked after Poppy ran after her. Poppy talked to her for a while till she realized she had feelings.
Poppy falls hard for Queen Barb, her feelings spiral, completely unaware of the queen's love for her. Two best friends, finding themselves trapped in a cycle. However, with Poppy having a boyfriend, how could she ever get any closer to where she is now? The same situation with Barb, as you watch as her relationship sl...
poppy has always been bullied by barb cause she was the future queen alpha she humiliates her beats her up makes fun of her height she's hated her for all the love and friendship she has and support she's beaten her ever since till one day it all changes
Poppy and Barb are finally married! These two queens have tied the hair knot and are now living together as the Queens of Rock. Yet, trouble looms on the horizon in the form of...motherhood!
Barb please listen to me What do you want poppy I need to tell you something ABOUT WHAT YOU'VE GOT NOTHING ELSE BETTER TO DO BESIDES BOTHER ME WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY WANT I love you barb I seems you don't care anymore runs away Wait what nooo poppy
I love you the moment we met and became friends can't get you out my head so sweet and beautiful my one and only you're mine forever popcorn you don't have a choice~🔪
"Oh my popsqueak you should know there's no escaping me I can't think of anything but you my head and heart is full of you I don't want you to ever leave me you'll be mine~♡