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  • 1:24 am//poetry
    208K 10.8K 163

    Exploring the depths of my oh-so complicated brain / poetry / quotes

  • breathe ;
    13.4K 2.6K 50

    .*+ self appreciation poems +.* a collection of poetry which helps to cope with any form of mental health issue , for you to stay in a positive & healthier mindset - " honourable mention " - RUBY awards ( 4th place ) hit 1k ~ 28th october *+. hit 2k ~ 10...

  • unloved
    29K 3.8K 36

    'because no words can ever be enough.' part two to unsaid. completed.

  • Soft Poetry.
    75.2K 9.1K 83

    Ranked #2 on short poems ❝ Short poems chosen from the colorful canvas of my mind, and the deepest bottom of my heart.❞ • All rights reserved. Copyright © 2019 | →

  • Pieces of my mind.
    74.6K 2.4K 17

    Here are some thoughts I wrote down, usually late at night. Mostly about him. Sometimes about life. Read if you want to, react if you want to. It's just here because I feel like I need them to be somewhere. Somewhere to be found. Somewhere to be remembered. In case somebody ever cared, here is it. Thats me. Thats how...

  • us.
    19.7K 1.5K 16

    you and me,, we make us #681 in poetry - 220917

  • 12 am » poetry
    722K 34.2K 45

    it's 12 am and i'm wide awake --- just a short disclaimer from the author in 2021, please do note that this was written by a 15 year old.

  • locutions [poetry]
    919K 41.4K 111

    lo·cu·tion ləˈkyo͞oSH(ə)n/ (n.) " a particular form of expression;" 《 a collection of poems and prose. 》 highest rank - #7 in Poetry ♡ #3 in Prose ♡
