Tainted with Blood
The story revolves around a 15-year old boy named Dylan Summers, who was transferred to a school called Machira Falls Academy after being picked by a foreign-student exchange program. Dylan makes his way to the city-state called Thanos and then learns that his transfer was untimely, as the 24th Annual Interscholastic...
One Shot Stories
It consist of ROMANCE/TEEN LOVE STORIES, LIFE LESSONS etc. TITLES: Spin the Bottle ✿ A Crush Story in Fun Run ✿ Is Santa Real? ✿ I Hope Guys are Like Dads ✿ Dream Catcher ✿ I'll Be ✿ Move-on ✿ Where Do Broken Hearts Go?
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One-Shot Stories: A Collection
Collection of my one-shot stories written from 2011-2016. Book cover by Taryn [@soundthealarm]
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From online story to published book. Diary ng Panget BOOKS 1 to 4 are now available in bookstores nationwide for only 150 pesos each. Thank you everyone for making this story a success! Please do support the book! <3 Movie adaptation under Viva Films (April 2, 2014) Cast: Nadine Lustre as Reah "Eya" Rodriguez, James R...
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11 Ways to Forget your Ex-boyfriend.
haveyouseenthisgirlstories.com (SEQUEL INSIDE) Story: Moving on can't be done alone and Sena just found help from a mysterious sender. But who is it that gives her ways to forget her ex?
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A Kiss in The Rain - EXCERPT (Now Available in Bookstores)
My name is Jared, and this is the story on how I fell in love with a stranger, which started with A KISS IN THE RAIN..