my best friends roommate.
Dream's best friend sapnap has a roommate that never leaves his room.
Dream's best friend sapnap has a roommate that never leaves his room.
tale of two boys trying to understand the foreign concept of love and life itself. • a short story written in the form of george's journal entries • 3 parts, all very long- each one representing a new phase. • titles and representation used are very important to pay attention to! symbolism is present in everything. •t...
As George and others been pushed around long enough George's friend helps him leave but he didn't want to until he knew it was too late..he needed to go back and help but he made a promise so he will keep that promise but with a help of a little someone.. [If i say y'all i apologize, a lot of times i forget to correct...
Dnf fanfikce George dostane druhou šanci na život. Otázkou ale je, jestli ji vůbec dokáže využít. (Všechno, co jsem schopná k popisu příběhu napsat, prostě čti bro) TW: - too much deep shits (ne kamo fr, občas to je úplně painful psát) - relatable Fakt nevím, kdy bude nějakej bonus k Something, ale snad něc...
As senior year for high school goes on, George struggles with being seen, believing that all of his achievements are being overlooked and ignored because of his siblings. Dream however, would absolutely die to have a sibling to rely on at all times as he is also always being overlooked. Is it possible for the two to...
Royal AU/Fantasy AU "Nature always finds a way to ensure balance. But it might not be achieved in the way you think- or want." George, a prince, who's destined to inherit the throne but couldn't be anymore opposed to the idea. Especially since he carries on detrimental secret. Then one night he's told to flee if he wi...
This is a Dsmp football AU story based on Val_kurry and Teefumz's art! It'll be mainly focusing on dnf tho ;) Warning: there will be swear words in pretty much every chapter! This is the first actual story I'm writing on wattpad so don't expect the best writing haha. (also my first language isn't english, so if I get...
When a Brunette boy named George, reunites with his old best friend, Clay, after getting bullied to the extent of self harm. Will their relationship grow, will it prosper to something more than friendship? <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> TRIGGER WARNINGS Homophobia Self Harm Suicide attempts and mentions Extre...
SEQUEL TO HOLD ON !!! read hold on before this !!! Dream finally opened up about his problems and is ready to recover. His friends are more than ready to help him in every way possible. So what could happen? What could possibly go wrong? tws mentioned at the beginning of every chapter main tws: >suicidal thoughts >pa...
*Rewritten in 2025!! DreamNotFound//Gream Clay is numb from the mental and physical abuse his parents put him through. He completely shuts himself down, not allowing anyone new into his life. He thinks he'll never be able to feel anything for another person again, that is, until Clay is asked to help the new kid duri...
DNF college AU George is in the middle of his first year of college, but ends up transferring to a new school midyear. He's excited for the change, and hopes that this new university is the place where he'll finally fit in and get to be himself. But when he gets there, he finds out he's rooming with another transfer s...
tw: self harm, swearing, angst, depression, eating disorder, mention of suicide Dream has always been struggling with depression. Right when he thought he was slowly doing better, he finds out about George having a crush on a certain girl. While having to admit to himself that he is in love with his best friend, he al...
George has been missing for a year, leaving his friends and family worried, nobody knows what happened or where he's been, what happens when he shows up out of the blue with a new identity and a plan to return home to his friends.
Karl is FtM trans, closeted at home but finally free to be himself once he starts college. He planned to stay hidden and just stay unnoticed so not to get into any trouble. But a rather popular music student finds his way into Karl's life, and his plans change. This book is written purely to vent and give me something...
George lucked out and managed to get into an elite private school, Saint Richards Acadamy, famous for teaching celebrity's children. But when the rich and popular kid takes an interest in him then George starts to question his school choices. Especially when he realises how crazy this man actually is. George is 16. C...
Clay struggles with home life, and his social life isn't the greatest either. George on the other hand is the popular kid in school, having no issues at home and no issues with his social life. The two used to know eachother, but something happened after Clay turned four and George never saw him again. What happens wh...
Náměstí. Sklopil hlavu a prostě šel. Snažil se nenarážet do lidí okolo něj. Byl skoro na konci náměstí kde už to bylo klidnější. Když v tu chvíli ho někdo drkl silně do ramene a ve dvou vteřinách na to se válel na studené zemi. Měl toho dost. ,,Kam koukáš ty blbe?!" Křikl po muži který nad ním stál jak svatý. ,,Pard...
Příběhy streamerů a youtuberů, které se různě proplétají mezi sebou a vytváří se komplikace, ale i nezapomenutelné chvíle.
Příběh: zamilovat se do napřed neznámého člověka..budou spolu prožívat krásné ale i těžké chvíle. Budou chtít být obě polovičky spolu? Hodně štěstí se čtením...<3
Mladý George se ztratil své rodině v lese. Nikdy ho už nenajdou, ale najde ho někdo kdo mu nahradí rodinu. Bude pro něj vše.
Bad, Sapnap, Dream and George made a decision to live together. All through ups and downs, they stick together even when things take turns for the worst. story contains themes of - - nsfw -self harm -abusive relationships -suicide -alcohol -bad eating habits
George is ftm trans and he's excellent at keeping the secret from the others, but when George, Dream, sapnap, karl and Bad all move in together, it becomes a harder secret to keep. There is dnf Cus why not, possibly skephalo, maybe a sprinkle of karlnapity if ur interested. Triggers are at the start of the chapters, b...
Dream a Sapnap sú nerozlučný priatelia ktorý bývaju hneď naproti sebe. Spolu chodia na školu v Miami kde neskôr príde na školu nový študent. Neskôr sa stane Dreamovým susedom, a po dlhej dobe aj priateľom. Spolu sa zoznámia zaujímavým spôsobom. Start: 30.6. 2022 End: ? Autor: Lizz :] (me ofc)
Nová škola, nový lidi.. Ale to není zas tak důležité; aspoň pro George. George se společně s jeho matkou a sestrou, přistěhovali na Floridu. Protože jeho mamka chce nový začátek. Než George nastoupí na novou školu, potkává pořád stejnou partu kluků venku na basketbalovém hřišti, kousek od jeho baráku. Jsou hlasití že...
Probudil jsem se, celé tělo mě bolelo. Byl jsem v jakési si místnosti, přivázán k lůžku. Nemohl jsem se hýbat. Připomnělo mi to nemocnici, ale hodně zvrácenou. Celé tu to páchlo krvý. Nevěděl jsem jestli tu jsem sám nebo jestli je tu ještě někdo, ale potom jsem zaslechl jak nademnou někdo křičí, nejspíš ho někdo mučil...
DOKONČENO:] Co když o George nebude jevit zájem jenom Dream.. Kapitoly vychází den až obden:) Moje druhá ff Awsamponk navazuje, takže si můžete přečíst z pohledu Ponka nebo Sama,ale nemusíte to číst není to důležité pro příběh Užijte si příběh:]