Your never alone (springtrap x foxy)
Hi guys it me I will be working on this springtrap x foxy story I will still be working on ask springtrap no worries for the ones who read it. So yeah hope you like it bye
Hi guys it me I will be working on this springtrap x foxy story I will still be working on ask springtrap no worries for the ones who read it. So yeah hope you like it bye
Good and Bad. Green and Red. Pirate and OutCast . Menace and victim. Bully and Target. Do any of these things mix well? Foxy (Franky) had learned about "Tough Love" in his family. Growing up being the middle child, he was ignored. His mom had just divorced with his dad and abandoned him and his sisters . There dad wa...
Again with other springtrap x foxy dory well part 2 of thier story but now having a little girl will start a new beginning Well I hope you will like the story and yes I will work on spelling Cheetahstarddxy out