a barata bolsonarista
Barata bolsonarista escravizava borboletinha socialista até que um dia ela decidiu se vingar😈 ⚠️ TW: máquina de lavar
Barata bolsonarista escravizava borboletinha socialista até que um dia ela decidiu se vingar😈 ⚠️ TW: máquina de lavar
ATENCAO: ESSA HISTORIA É PURA IRONIA E HUMOR, FOI ESCRITA EM UMA CALL NO DISCORD hahahahaha Tumor e piadas, sacou? Essa fanfic é sobre um amor proibido de Bolsonaro e lula, descubra essa historia cheia de emoções e de muito romance entre essas duas figuras politicas do Brasil. Créditos: Leticia Olivia Cassiano Isabe...
(CRACKFIC) - Ela era a temível "presidenta" do Brasil, e eu... apenas um coreano que morava na mesma cidade que ela. Quais serão os frutos e pérolas deste amor proibido? Descubra lendo. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Corrigir todos os erros ortográficos deste "livro" seria a...
ᴏɴᴅᴇ ʙᴏʟsᴏɴᴀʀᴏ ɴᴀ̃ᴏ ᴇsǫᴜᴇᴄᴇ ᴅᴏ ʟᴜʟᴀ, ᴇ ʀᴇsᴏʟᴠᴇ ғᴀᴢᴇʀ ᴜᴍᴀ ᴄᴀʀᴛᴀ sʜᴏʀғɪᴄ
A vida do mito de uma forma que ninguém nunca viu. Embarque com o nosso presidente numa história de superação, tristezas e muito poder da amizade, tudo isso por um Brasil melhor e pra todos. Brasil acima de tudo e Deus acima de todos 🇧🇷👆 Forte Abraçokkk
Shawn Mendes, um jovem procurando emprego na grande cidade de São Paulo, mal sabe oque esta por vir, mal sabe que ao encontrar o sarrador profissional, Bruno Berti, seus caminhos estarão entrelaçados para sempre.
Após o surgimento de nego ney o mundo estava em caos, a paz era apenas uma palavra sem significado, depois de muitas guerras, um ser poderoso surgiu se auto nomeou de hulk anão.
no smut family friendly!! its for the Christian ladies who need summa dis before they go to sleep. no potty mouths just positive words.
Shrek is living with Fiona and his uGlY kids. Shrek is not satisfied with his life anymore. Until one day, everything changes.
There is more than 69 reasons to Love Shrek so if you can't find a reason to love him then I think you're just a complete doofus.
I walk down the street, sad. All my tools just died. Then I see him. The most beautiful man ever. Bob The Builder.
One day ur shopping at TESCO and then u run into the one and only Boris Johnson.
step trump what are you doing? dedicated to a friend.🤩
from enemies to lovers in one debate. the magical story of the two presidents who fell in love
This is a joke- like my last one 👹 I can assure you. Also I stole the cover from like the first thing that popped up when I searched up "Pillager x Villager" on Google I'm sorry-
Biden x Trump ship 😉😉😈 Smut very much smut If you couldn't notice, this is a joke 😓🤔
Do you love Shrek?💋💋 Like absolutely love him to the point you'd like deadass just marry him on the spot even though you don't know each other? 🧍♀️Cool. 💁♀️💁♀️This is for u then 🙄🙄‼️‼️
SpongeBob has a rap battle with Miley Cyrus. When Miley finds out that SpongeBob has epic rapping skills, she wants her revenge. So what does she do? She uses her wrecking ball to destroy Bikini Bottom. Can SpongeBob stop her before it's too late?
After trump lost the election he went insane and tried to eat the swamp water but then he met a big green ogre and they fell in love 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Don't Here's a steamy, poetic, lustful, betray filled book with a plot twist end. Don't ask I was very, very, very, very, very, very bored.
basically you and Garlic bread are going on a date that your friend set up for you
THIS IS HUST JOKES DONT ATTACK ME PLS also these aren't my characters . all credit goes to innersloth i jusy wrote this incredibly disyrurbing fic 👍🏻