5SOS Preferences :)
I write preferences for each boy :) please enjoy!
i was 13 when i wrote this please don't come for me i'm embarrassed this is a mess lmao i'm so sorry but hey, it's book one.
Just some preferences about Ashton, Luke, Calum and Michael...Also known as the 5sos lads. Fell free to leave a request, I don't bite. Indox is always open, comment and vote please my sugar bunnies?? Love ya guys heaps !!!
Prima carte : Loreh isi petrece tot timpul alaturi de prietenul ei Calum . Serveau cina impreuna , seara se strecura pe fereastra si mergea la el in camera pentru a viziona serialul lor preferat .Toate astea pana cand se indragostesc unul de celalalt . Iubirea lor e pura A doua carte : Toata iubirea lor se spulbera c...
Luna is bullied in school. Typical teenager, loves procrastinating, eating and doing absolutely nothing in her down time. It's her birthday, and her mother gives her a diary, thinking what the councilor told her would help Luna with her bullying problem. The issue? It only causes her trouble.
I hope you guys enjoy reading this book! If you copy my imagines/preferences and claim that they are yours then your ass is mine. I love you all!! LET ME JUST TELL YOU GUYS, THESE ARE SOME CRINGEY IMAGINES THAT MY 14 YEAR OLD SELF WROTE 4 YEARS AGO SO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK :-)
Comment your requests at any of my a/n or send me a message on this or you can also tweet me a request @lukesbae_21 :)
Preferences for 5 Seconds of Summer. Written by calnifornia.
The first 51 chapters are all from Tumblr (except for the imagines) and full credit goes to their owners! But I am now going to start writing my own, so inbox me any ideas you have! I also have an Imagine Book (requests currently closed) if you'd like an imagine, because I no longer do imagines in this book. On a side...
Dacă ești într-un fandom (directioner, 5SOS family, belieber, etc.) te vei regăsi în această carte! Problemele pe care le are fiecare fan. ➡ #12 în Umor 03/11/2014 ➡ #8 în Umor 04/11/2014 ➡ #3 în Altele, #6 în Umor 08/11/2014 ➡ #1 în Altele, #6 în Umor 01/12/2014
Cute, romantic, funny, feel-inducing (and sometimes sad) 5SOS Preferences all written by me, myself and I. Requests open & no stealing please!