Equestria girls /rainbow rocks song lyrics
Lyrics from the equestria girls movie and lyrics from songs in the youtube series rainbow rocks!
Lyrics from the equestria girls movie and lyrics from songs in the youtube series rainbow rocks!
(IN HUMAN VERSION) The mane 6 has babies Here are the parents (mane 6): Princess Twilight & Flash - Starlight Pinkie & Cheese - Custard Cream Rarity & Spike - Diamond Gem AppleJack & Carmel - Cider FlutterShy & Discord - Flitter Rainbow Dash & Soarin - Lightning Royal parents : Celestia - Sun Shine Cadence & Shinning...
Pinkies POV. "If you really care to know the truth, Fluttershy, I will tell you" I stated as I sighed heavily. I haven't told anypony the truth, the truth of how I got my cutie mark, the truth of how I met rainbow dash, how the cyan filly forgot all about our adventures in the mental hospital. I hadn't told any...
This is just a test run to see if i do good with this and if i get a lot of votes and comments i will continue.