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  • Stay Alive (Completed) [Owen Grady/ Jurassic World]
    154K 4.4K 14

    Stacey Vigil has spent most of her life working in the globally famous Jurassic World. She is reserved and quiet. When one looks at her, it will be the last thing to imagine her as a dinosaur trainer and researcher. Let alone a T-Rex companion. Yet that is exactly her job title. Stacey is more than content to live in...

  • Devildom's Queen of Witches
    36.8K 1.2K 8

    Hyacinth Circe Potter had survived many things in life wondered if Fate had it in for her. She deeply wished to be herself again and to have more friends that understood her. Then she finds herself in the Devildom where she meets a certain group of Brothers: The Seven Avatars of Sin What will be their reactions to th...

    234K 9K 38

    A Remarried Empress Isekai Fanfiction where the FL gets Isekaid into The Remarried Empress.She decides to have fun with this phenomenon and ruin the life of the person she hated with her all being. Disclaimer:The format and few parts of this story is a little identical to another fanfiction but this one follows a diff...

  • Percy Jackson, Grandson of Voldemort
    440K 10.6K 37

    Names hold power. In the world of gods, the name Perseus Jackson is a respected name, a name that has the respect of the gods. To demigods the name Perseus Jackson is the name of a hero that has done more than any other hero combined. For Monsters it is a name that brings fear and destruction in its wake. For the wiza...

  • The Lost Afton
    143K 3K 22

    "If I died, would you miss me?" Y/n is the youngest member of the Afton family. She tries her best to make everyone happy, but good things come to an end and death prevails. How will she fix her family now, when she is broken as well? Full Chapters!!!! (Written by my friend Author-Chan, all credit goes to her) Spotify...

  • Neglected- Sun/moon x child reader
    71.1K 1.5K 13

    You were getting neglected and abused by your parents. They took you to this really nice pizza place and put you in the daycare. They never came back. You spent most of your days crying in the tunnels and play pins of the daycare. No one noticed your parents never picked you up. Until one day the daycare Attendant ,su...

  • Adopted By Stony
    816K 18.4K 38

    A Little Two Year Old Girl wonders the streets of New York looking for a friend and one night she finds one. A Genius, Billionaire, Play boy, Philanthropist, Iron Man, yep she meet Tony Stark and as soon as he saw her something inside of him exploded and he just had to take this little girl to his husband of one year...

  • I'm Harry Potter!?
    234K 7.8K 41

    Ruby Is a huge fan of the Harry Potter series and one day she just happens to find a link into Harry's mind and she is transfered into Harry's body. Armed with the knowledge of the future, how will she change the time-line? does she save lives or loose more? find out how she alters Harry's life. (starts from the Pri...

  • The Venom || WTM
    176K 4.9K 24

    In which the Avengers watch the live of Peter Parker's older sister. Lydia Parker. The Venom.

  • Daminette/ Maribat Stories
    404K 12K 47

    Collection of Daminette and Maribat one and multi-part stories, requests are ***CLOSED***. Make sure to vote and comment, check out my other stories @OliJo315 Author of Devastating and The Suitress

  • Poker Face | Bruce Wayne
    361K 15.6K 46

    Most of Bruce Wayne's problems were either solved with his wallet or his fists. But the look that she gave him couldn't be solved with either- face like stone and her stature unwavering. However, he read the teasing message in her eyes loud and clear: "I know something you don't." Which is possibly the worst thing you...

  • The Midnight Crew- A Batsis X Batfamily Fanfic
    175K 4.1K 15

    Sevanna was the delinquent, the disappointment, the failure of a Wayne. She was always left out, yelled at, given up on, deemed useless, ignored. Nobody in the Wayne family knew where Bruce went wrong in raising her. The rest of her siblings turned out fine. But really, Bruce Wayne had raised her perfectly. Sevanna ju...

  • The Goddess of Loyalty and Respect (fem percy)
    4.5K 65 10

    Persephone Jackson the girl that refused immortality, but after the Giant War her PTSD becomes to much to handle. So as she goes to the gods asking for help, asking them to let her leave the mythological world. Instead they sedate her, and while asleep in a vulnerable form, unable to refuse they turn her into a godde...

  • MAELSTROM [femPercy x DC]
    273K 9K 48

    It's a new day. Bruce Wayne has been living the normal life. Billionaire Playboy by day, and Batman by night. Until recently, that is. He's noticed someone watching him. Someone suspicious. So what does he do? Confront them as Batman, of course. It's a new day. Percy Jackson has been living the life of an...

  • š˜¾š™§š™¤š™¬š™£š™šš™™ š™‹š™§š™žš™£š™˜š™š (š™”š™–š™£š™™š™šš™§š™š!š™‹š™§š™žš™£š™˜š™šš™­š™š™šš™–š™™š™šš™§)
    538K 20.4K 47

    People say he was a charming, young prince while other's say he was satan himself. A duke's daughter suddenly became the prince's fiancƩ overnight, but it was never what she had thought before. To be married to a prince was every ladies dream, but was it hers?

  • SCARED || Yandere KNY x reader ||
    532K 15.7K 51

    This... Is not what I wanted... Why did this happen?!?! NO!!! DONT COME CLOSER!!! STAY AWAY!!!STAY AWAY!!!! IM SCARED! ------------------------------------------------- When y/n said she wanted to be in the game, she really didn't mean literally! Y/n had been transported in a demon slayer dating game she had failed mi...

  • Change The Storylines [KnY x Reader]
    404K 13.3K 37

    DISCONTINUED(for now ig) "š˜šŽš” šƒšŽš'š“ šŠššŽš– š‡šŽš– šŒš”š‚š‡ šˆ š‹šŽš•š„ š˜šŽš” šš‘šˆšš‚š„š’š’" Note: >the reader will be using She/Her(now changed to She/They) pronouns, feel free to change it into your preferred pronouns >boys/trans can also read this if they want to ___________āšœļø ___________ "š˜šŽš”'š‘š„ ļæ½...

  • AM I DEAD (Yandere kny x modern reader)
    315K 9.9K 28

    YN is a 15 (age changes through the story) year old American(as in she was born and raised in America it dosnt effect the readers race or heritage) girl who loved anime, art, and fanfiction but one day she ended up falling off the cliff next to her grandparents house what will happen to YN when she wakes up in the de...

  • š“žš“暝“®š“»š”€š“±š“®š“µš“¶š“²š“·š“° š“žš“«š“¼š“®š“¼š“¼š“²š“øš“·
    1.1M 37.5K 79

    šŽšÆšžš«š°š”šžš„š¦š¢š§š  šŽš›š¬šžš¬š¬š¢šØš§ āœæ*:ļ½„ š˜š˜Æ š˜‘š˜¢š˜±š˜¢š˜Æ, š˜„š˜¶š˜³š˜Ŗš˜Æš˜Ø š˜µš˜©š˜¦ š˜›š˜¢š˜Ŗš˜“š˜©š˜°-š˜Œš˜³š˜¢, š˜¢ š˜Øš˜Ŗš˜³š˜­ š˜Æš˜¢š˜®š˜¦š˜„ š˜“/š˜• š˜ /š˜• š˜­š˜Ŗš˜·š˜¦š˜„ š˜±š˜¦š˜¢š˜¤š˜¦š˜§š˜¶š˜­š˜­š˜ŗ š˜øš˜Ŗš˜µš˜© š˜©š˜¦š˜³ š˜¦š˜­š˜„š˜¦š˜³ š˜“š˜Ŗš˜“š˜µš˜¦š˜³. š˜›š˜©š˜Ŗš˜“ š˜±š˜¦š˜¢š˜¤š˜¦ š˜Ŗš˜“ š˜“š˜¶š˜„š˜„š˜¦š˜Æš˜­š˜ŗ š˜£š˜³š˜°š˜¬š˜¦š˜Æ š˜øš˜©š˜¦š˜Æ š˜µš˜©š˜¦š˜Ŗš˜³ š˜¤š˜­š˜°š˜“š˜¦ š˜§š˜³š˜Ŗš˜¦š˜Æš˜„š˜“, š˜µ...

    Completed   Mature
  • š—°š—µš—®š—»š—“š—² š—¼š—³ š˜€š—°š—²š—»š—²š—暝˜†, š˜€š˜„š—®š—½!š—±š—²š—ŗš—¼š—» š˜€š—¹š—®š˜†š—²š—æ
    96.1K 4.6K 45

    į“µ'įµ āæįµ‰įµ›įµ‰Ź³ įµįµ’āæāæįµƒ Ė”įµ‰įµ— Źøįµ’įµ˜ į¶œĖ”įµ’Ė¢įµ‰ įµ—įµ’ įµįµ‰ į“±įµ›įµ‰āæ įµ—Ź°įµ’įµ˜įµŹ° Źøįµ’įµ˜ įµįµ‰įµƒāæ įµ—Ź°įµ‰ įµįµ’Ė¢įµ— įµ—įµ’ įµįµ‰ 'į¶œįµƒįµ˜Ė¢įµ‰ įµ‰įµ›įµ‰Ź³Źø įµ—ā±įµįµ‰ į“µ įµ’įµ–įµ‰āæ įµ˜įµ–, ā±įµ— Ź°įµ˜Ź³įµ—Ė¢ Ė¢įµ’, į“µ'įµ āæįµ‰įµ›įµ‰Ź³ įµįµ’āæāæįµƒ įµįµ‰įµ— įµ—įµ’įµ’ į¶œĖ”įµ’Ė¢įµ‰ įµ—įµ’ Źøįµ’įµ˜ į“±įµ›įµ‰āæ Ź·Ź°įµ‰āæ į“µ įµįµ‰įµƒāæ įµ—Ź°įµ‰ įµįµ’Ė¢įµ— įµ—įµ’ Źøįµ’įµ˜ į“µāæ į¶œįµƒĖ¢įµ‰ Źøįµ’įµ˜ įµįµ’ įµƒāæįµˆ Ė”įµ‰įµƒįµ›įµ‰ įµįµ‰ ā±āæ įµ—Ź°įµ‰ įµˆā±Ź³įµ— į“®įµ˜įµ— įµ‰įµ›įµ‰Ź³Źø įµ—ā±įµįµ‰ Źøįµ’įµ˜ Ź°įµ˜Ź³įµ— įµįµ‰, įµ—Ź°įµ‰ Ė”įµ‰Ė¢Ė¢ įµ—Ź°įµƒįµ— į“µ į¶œŹ³Źø į“¬āæįµˆ įµ‰įµ›įµ‰Ź³Źø įµ—ā±įµįµ‰ Źøįµ’įµ˜ Ė”įµ‰įµƒįµ›įµ‰ įµįµ‰, įµ—Ź°įµ‰ qįµ˜ā±į¶œįµįµ‰Ź³ įµ—Ź°įµ‰Ė¢įµ‰...

  • LĢ·OĢøVĢ¶EĢ· Ģ·MĢøEĢ“!Ģ¶ (Yan!kny characters x F!reader)
    551K 16.2K 70

    This is going to be in a school setting. (I do not own demon slayer or it's characters! This is a Yandere fanfic.) I will also be using female pronouns

  • Delight! (Yandere KNY x F!Reader)
    838K 25K 56

    This is going to be during the taisho period. Your name is y/n l/n, in your village you were well known often described as an angel sometimes even a goddess. You had the most beautiful completion. People couldn't help but stare and you had the most gentle, forgiving, loving heart. You showed everybody kindness even if...

  • Soul || KNY x Reader
    605K 30.2K 40

    ā My last words were 'yeet'. What a disgrace. āž - (Y/N) (L/N) while dying (again) on a riverbank. ~~~ After dying in a freak accident, you found yourself half-dead in a snowy forest. Pretty much accepting your fate, you passed out. When you woke up, you were in a small house that was most definitely of Japanese origin...

  • The Durmstrang Princess
    433K 10.7K 89

    Serena Autumn Quinn is a witch. The first and only witch to attend Durmstrang school of magic. Ever. This is her story. Finished book, A second book may be coming soon... #3 in magicschool #2 in durmstrang

  • š“šŽ | The Trickster
    107K 2.5K 9

    When klaus hears about how Hayley is pregnant he calls for help from a certain sibling.

  • šˆ š€šŒ š‡šŽšš„ šŒšˆšŠš€š„š‹š’šŽš!? āšœ š“£š“±š“® š“žš“»š“²š“°š“²š“·š“Ŗš“µš“¼
    813K 28K 30

    źœ±Źœį“‡ É“į“‡į“ į“‡Ź€ į“›Źœį“į“œÉ¢Źœį“› źœ±Źœį“‡ į“”į“į“œŹŸį“… į“…ÉŖį“‡ źœ±į“ Źį“į“œÉ“É¢, É“į“Ź€ į“…ÉŖį“… źœ±Źœį“‡ į“‡xį“˜į“‡į“„į“› į“›į“ Ź™į“‡ Ź€į“‡ÉŖÉ“į“„į“€Ź€É“į“€į“›į“‡į“… ÉŖÉ“ į“€ źœ°ÉŖį“„į“›ÉŖį“É“į“€ŹŸ į“”į“Ź€ŹŸį“…. į“„į“‡Ź€į“›į“€ÉŖÉ“ŹŸŹ É“į“į“› į“›į“ į“€ į“”į“Ź€ŹŸį“… źœ±Źœį“‡ į“…į“į“‡źœ±É“'į“› į“‹É“į“į“” Źœį“€ŹŸźœ° į“›Źœį“‡ į“›ŹœÉŖÉ“É¢źœ± į“€Ź™į“į“œį“›. į“”Źœį“€į“› į“”ÉŖŹŸŹŸ į“›Źœį“‡ į“ÉŖį“‹į“€į“‡ŹŸźœ±į“É“ źœ°į“€į“ÉŖŹŸŹ į“…į“ į“É“į“„į“‡ į“›Źœį“‡Ź Ź€į“‡į“€ŹŸÉŖźœ±į“‡, į“€ į“›į“‡į“‡É“į“€É¢į“‡Ź€ źœ°Ź€į“į“ į“€ į“…ÉŖźœ°źœ°į“‡Ź€į“‡É“į“› į“œÉ“ÉŖį“ į“‡Ź€źœ±į“‡ źœ±É“į“€į“›į“„Źœį“‡į“… į“›Źœį“‡ Ź™į“į“…Ź į“źœ° į“›Źœį“‡ÉŖŹ€ ŹŸÉŖį“›į“›ŹŸį“‡ É¢ÉŖŹ€ŹŸ? į“‡į“ į“‡É“ ÉŖźœ° į“›Źœį“‡Ź į“…į“É“'į“›, ÉŖį“›...

  • REBORN, š­š”šž šØš«š¢š š¢š§ššš„š¬
    2.1M 77.4K 68

    Lauren Carmen believed in many things, from aliens to evolution, yet she didn't think it was possible to wake up one day in the body of a character from one of her favourite TV show, however here she is stuck in the body of Hayley Marshall.

  • Suddenly I Became Athanasia's Cousin
    52.6K 1.4K 18

    Aurora De Brasseur is one of the most powerful successful businesswoman of modern-day. However she has a flaw, that she is a great otaku. What happens when she finds herself in the body of the villainess, Anastasia Robane De Alger Obelia?

  • Secrets and Lies (COMPLETED)
    103K 2.6K 23

    When Bruce Wayne adopts a girl into the family, she is gladly accepted. But when she meets someone she wasn't supposed to, she begins to act differently; As her brothers start to notice. Are they just being paranoid? Or is their little sister really hiding something? There's going to be Chaos.

  • Who You Gonna Call- A Batfam Oneshot Collection
    71.1K 1.4K 13

    When you're in the need of some love, some angst, some awesomeness and some action... who you gonna call? The Batfamily! And who do you gotta have with the Batfamily? OC/ READER INSERTS! This is a collection of quality oneshots with everyone in the family and their stories with Batsis, S/O's and Batmom! (there'll be...
