Songs lyrics
Hey.Aici o să postez niste melodii cu niste versuri care mie mi se par foarte frumoase.
Hey.Aici o să postez niste melodii cu niste versuri care mie mi se par foarte frumoase.
Have you ever met someone that took your breath away? The very sight of them was beautiful, and you just couldn't stand to be a second away from them? They were so far out of your league, but you just couldn't keep away? You wanted to do everything to please them and let them know they mean so much to you? T...
Diana Ferguson. 16 ani. Locuiesc in Romania, dar sunt britanica, adica tata e englez si mama e romanca. Cu scoala o duc bine... dar trebuie sa fiu si mai buna de-atat, in opinia parintilor mei....a, si... era sa uit... am un iubit care, daca ar fi sa va povestesc istoria noastra, mi-ar lua enorm de mult...oricum, il c...