Funny Text Bloopers
Collection of 'Funny Text Bloopers'.
Diana is a young adult who lives in Italy, where she was born and raised. She grew up with her best friend, named Leah. Although Diana is a girly girl by day with YouTube channel for fashion, at night her inner beast unleashes, and stays up past 3 playing XBOX with her online guy friends, and one of those guy friends...
YOU,______ will go to florida because you alredy have 20 years old (if not...sorrey , use your imagination XD) and you want to go and live there with HOMESTAY with a guy named Ryan , and you met pewdiepie in airport... omg... what a great day. .. they begun to like you, but you dont know what you think... this.. is...
YouTube is life for you. You always stop by at YouTube everytime if you feel depressed or just simply, sad. You always dreamed to become a YouTuber. What if, your dream of becoming a YouTuber came true? But, there is an exchange. You'll not like it.