Fate Brought Us Together || Adam Driver
This is a story about Adam Driver that I wrote for my English project. Completed
This is a story about Adam Driver that I wrote for my English project. Completed
Hughie Campbell suffers mental trauma after his girlfriend Robin is killed in a high-velocity impact with celebrity superhero A-Train. You try to help, but only a little bit of revenge and getting you in trouble seems to do the trick. Butcher is interested, but doesn't want you to get wrapped up in all this shit going...
After serving in the military for 10 years after high school, First Sergeant Emerson Moore was honorably discharged home in order to take care of her dad. While her father battles stage three colon cancer, Emerson works all day and night to provide for him and their home. When she's not working at a local restaurant...
Beth Harmon will be a world-renowned chess player one day, her older sister staying in the shadow letting her little sister shine. Emilie Harmon never thought she'd catch the attention of her sister's opponents but Benny Watts seems to be the fever that Emilie just can't shake. The final question left is who's king wi...
"Prince Oberyn." "I see my reputation precedes me." "Well, I would be a fool not to recognize the man who has fucked half of Westeros." "A fool you are not, it appears. Nonetheless, I confess it is good to be known," he told her as he grabbed a goblet of wine from a nearby servant's tray and brought it to his lips. "A...
The one where Harry uses strawberry shampoo (currenty editing) top!Louis bottom!harry
❝ Ein Weltstar zu sein, bringt sehr viele Schattenseiten mit sich. Man wird auf Schritt und Tritt verfolgt, ist fast durchgehend Stress- und Drucksituationen ausgesetzt. Die Medien verbreiten Gerüchte, es wird viel geredet. Manchmal würde ich meine Karriere deswegen am liebsten einfach beenden und das öffentliche Lebe...
Erik is a struggling single dad. His life is a mess, he's constantly drowning in problems - financial, emotional and parental - until one day it hits him! A car hits him actually... and it changes his life forever. Because that is when he meets Charles Xavier - a young man who brings sunlight and smiles back to the Le...
Inwiefern verändert sich das Leben wenn man ungeplant von einem manipulativen, aber auch verdammt gut aussehenden Arschloch schwanger wird? Diese Frage stellt sich die 25-jährige Rae Driver (Rey) gerade. Sie ist erst seit einigen Monaten, hier in den USA und will ihre Vergangenheit hinter sich lassen und ein neues Leb...
... Frisch verlobt will Cassie sich eine Auszeit auf den Malediven nehmen , auch wenn ihr Freund Ian nicht gerade begeistert von der Idee ist in den Urlaub zu fliegen. Als der Tag der Abreise näher rückt , kann Cassie es garnicht mehr erwarten endlich den warmen Sand unter ihren Füßen zu spüren. Und in der Hoffnung...