How to Create the Perfect Warrior Cat
Here is a Warriors guide for you, mcdudes! The main theme will be making your own warrior perfect, but I'll do my best to include everything in it. I hope this helps you :).
Here is a Warriors guide for you, mcdudes! The main theme will be making your own warrior perfect, but I'll do my best to include everything in it. I hope this helps you :).
Medyk jest bardzo ważnym kotem w klanie. Jego zadaniem jest odczytywanie znaków od Klanu Gwiazdy oraz leczenie kotów, którym stała się krzywda. Zna się na ziołach i jest specjalnie szkolony, by znać ich zastosowanie. Szczególnie chroni matki i kocięta. Musi przestrzegać wielu zasad. Medyk musi być wierny swojemu przyw...
What if Firestar turned down Bluestar's offer to join ThunderClan? What if Ravenpaw had stayed in ThunderClan? What if Tadpole had lived? What if Graystripe hadn't been captured by Twolegs? What if Silverstream had lived through the birthing of her kits? What if Briarlight's legs weren't crushed during the tree fallin...