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  • milnyu whom i'll love the dearest || l.jh /
    484 14 5

    "Without you, I might just be hopeless." drabble collection of milnyu! feel free to send requests for what you want to see <3

  • we dancing in the moonlight, baby [l.jh /]
    124 6 1

    "Your ears are really red right now," Jaehyun whispers. "Ah.. is it?" (Christmas parties are shit and Chanhee hates them with passion. How many cookies does he have to stuff down in one day? That is until Lee Jaehyun comes into play and Chanhee finds both of them on the porch.. and probably perhaps a little too close?)

  • you're so pretty (it's unreal) // jumil
    480 17 2

    Jaehyun already knows that Juyeon is pretty. After all, Juyeon isn't a part of their group's visual line for nothing, right? But even if he knows if that fact, doesn't quite mean that he won't stop realising over and over again.
