20 Days Together
They never got to be so close to each other, now they can. Roy and Riza talk about her tattoo, her scars, and their relationship, that's the whole fic. Royai acts like a married couple.<3
They never got to be so close to each other, now they can. Roy and Riza talk about her tattoo, her scars, and their relationship, that's the whole fic. Royai acts like a married couple.<3
AU. En la escuela Amestris, se abre una nueva vacante para ser profesor de Literatura. Ante eso, Rebeca llama a su vieja amiga para que postule. Ella es aceptada y contratada, pero no se imaginará las cosas que ocurrirán en su vida con este nuevo empleo. Royai, un poco de EdxWin. También se está publicando en Fanfict...
Una colección de One-Shots sobre Riza Hawkeye y Roy Mustang. los personajes pertenecen exclusivamente a Hiromu-sama
Esta es una historia que se nos ocurrió a una amiga y a mi hace tiempo, originalmente es un doujinshi que dibujé y aún está sin terminar, pero trataré de terminarlo a modo de fanfic. La historia se le ocurrió a mi amiga y me pareció buena aunque un poco disparatada e ilógica, así que les ruego paciencia. Por supuesto...
Roy Mustang se encuentra a tan solo un paso de convertirse en el próximo Fuher, solamente tiene que cumplir un último requisito y Amestris estará bajo su protección... ¿Qué carajos trama Grumman? ¿Por qué nadie entendía que nadie podía llenar sus expectativas por el simple hecho de que no era ella? Solo había una pers...
Riza había tomado la decisión de forma parte del sueño del aprendiz de su padre, lo único que nunca pensó es que Ishval afectara tanto a su corazón. El fuego fue uno de los causantes de las muertes y ese fuego provenía de la investigación de su padre. ¿No era hora de tomar una decisión para hacerlo desaparecer? ¿Él la...
«Pensaci. Cosa hanno fatto per te? Qualcuno ha mai fatto qualcosa per te? Persino Mustang, probabilmente ti ha aiutato e ti sta accanto solo perché una tua mano gli è utile.» A quelle parole Riza cede. Si alza in piedi, cercando di aggredire quella voce. È inutile. «No. No. No. Sta zitto!!!» Riesce a urlare. Chiude gl...
Hey, FMAB fans! Want to cry a little! This might make you do that!
Alternative ending to the show. With the war now over Riza finds herself waking up from a coma with all her memories gone.
Upon regaining his vision, Colonel Roy Mustang decides it's finally time to open up to Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye about how he truly feels about her.
~Forbidden (a Royai Fanfic)~ *this takes place after the end of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood* After the defeat of Father, Roy Mustang takes the task of getting Central back on its feet, and restoring the Ishvalans to their home with Riza Hawkeye at his side. Over the course of years of knowing each other, and aft...
"Always together... Never touching..." A small collection of FullMetal Alchemist oneshots.
During boarding school, Roy and Riza become close friends. After graduation, Roy joins the military and Riza decides to pursue teaching. When their two paths suddenly cross years later, will they be able to have that close connection? Especially now that Roy has a daughter? FMA AU Thank you so much _.fm.a.nxme._, for...
A girl who simply does not have any time for men, and a boy whose ambitions are larger than his huge ego. Riza Hawkeye, and Roy Mustang. What are two people living in the same house supposed to do when the other is so different? Fall in love, of course. After growing closer, Riza and Roy proceed to join the military t...
One shot in which Roy and Riza finally come to terms about how they feel about each other. I OWN NOTHING BUT THE PLOT.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Kowareta Ai is a Fullmetal Alchemist (Roy/Riza) FanFic written as a present for me by a good friend of mine. In a small mining town known as Hakken, a state of emergency has been declared, as worker after worker has been lost to the very mines that sustain the town. Fuhrer Roy Mustang and his lo...
in which roy mustang misses riza hawkeye very much. (cross posted on tumblr & ao3)