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    76.8K 3.5K 32

    Life was good for Faye, Great even. She had everything she could ever ask for. All the way up until, a few days before her wedding. Things get turned upside down in her life when she finds out that her not-so-perfect fiance has been stepping out on her with her older sister. She had lots of friends. But at this time...

  • With Abandon(BWAM)
    359K 15.3K 26

    Daniel Watts is a widowed father of two, Gianna and Grant. After five years of being on his own, Daniel decides to hire a live-in nanny to take care of his children, and for them to have a motherly figure. Tyra Baker is a twenty-four-year-old nanny. After recently selling her bakery, Tyra decided that it was time to...

  • Lascivia (Disponible en librerías)
    149M 8.8M 94

    Las vacaciones acabaron y Rachel debe volver a su puesto como teniente en el ejército de la FEMF, encontrándose con que la central de Londres no es lo mismo. Llegó un nuevo coronel, soberbio y con una belleza que no parece humana. Hombre que no tiene ojos sino dagas de acero que la ponen entre la espada y la pared al...

    Completed   Mature
  • Sa Haine Pour Moi
    489K 31.7K 48

    Pour la définition du mot haine au dictionnaire, on devrait trouver un seul nom: CALEB MAYNER Il me haïssait. Je le détestais. Il était raciste. J'étais noire. Il avait un lourd passé. Je le découvrais à mes dépends. Il m'a déchiré le coeur. J'étais irrévocablement attirée par lui. Il lui était impossible de m'aimer...
