Это история о семье, любви,вере, приключениях и надежде!
Princess Evelyn was trapped in a life she didn't want. One day Prince Thranduil comes walking and in. Would she accept him or would she push him away. PSA! The account Tauruel_Greenleaf23 has been stealing my work and currently has this story published there. If you see my work anywhere else please report and bring i...
"What do you mean a child jumped off the bridge?" This is where young Lúthien's story continues, after experiencing a traumatic experience she finds herself running for the Great Elven King's gates not long before jumping off the bridge that connects the Mirkwood forest to the Thranduil's palace. And from there, her a...
Продолжение первой истории. История о семье, любви, вере и надежде. А так же о печале и горе с которой столкнуться наши герои
Love has the power to heal the deepest wounds. #ElvenKingsNeedLoveToo Set during Lord of the Rings. Thranduil/OC Thranduil's not afraid to do whatever necessary to push back the darkness threatening his forest. The hands of the king have the power to heal, but will it be enough to save his kingdom...and himself? Thi...
Book I of the 'To Live Again' Saga In the modern world Clara Riley experiences a life changing event...death! Usually this means the end of living, but this quirky art student gets the shock of her life when she wakes up in Greenwood the Great...when she should be dead...and not in a fictional world? Meanwhile in...