Memories Leads To Bonding Relationships
After the events of the Friendship Games and Equestrian Villains And Legend Of Everfree debacle Twilight and Dusk start to have dreams of memories of their past...except it's not their memories.
After the events of the Friendship Games and Equestrian Villains And Legend Of Everfree debacle Twilight and Dusk start to have dreams of memories of their past...except it's not their memories.
Canterlot High is about to confront their rivals,the Shadowbolts from Crystal Prep, in the Friendship Games.Sunset Shimmer contacts Princess Twilight Sparkle to keep an eye on the magic away from Crystal Prep,but Twilight's human version,who goes to the other school,is determined to get Canterlot High's magic secret i...
When things seem to be crumbling down for Drew, can his best friends Jake and Hailey be there for him during his greatest time of need? ~ Read the first book before reading the sequel! Book cover created by me, myself and I. Chapter cover also created by me. Main ships: -Platonic Drakailey (Drew, Jake and Hailey.) -Ja...
I decided to write some oneshots for my favourite platonic ships in TMF which are of course Platonic Jamilly and Platonic Zailey. I also love Platonic Jander but I decided to keep it to two. Not to mention that Jake, Hailey, Zander and Milly are my four favourite characters in TMF so this oneshot book is just for them...
After Jake Sterling loses his 8 of his friends, he begins to act differently. He doesn't get sleep, he gets sick, it goes so far that even his teachers notice. Therefore sending him home for a while. Will people wonder where the Peach-haired boy went? What will eventually happen to the boy? Ships- Jean Haisy Lander S...
Ever since Drew and Jake ended their friendship, past feelings they thought they had buried start to come up to the surface... They both have always had more - romantic!... feelings for one another... but both were oblivious to their own feelings -until now, that is. Both of them think that the feelings will go away...
Jake, Hailey & Drew are the bestest of friends. A trio that could never separate. They are always with eachother 24/7. However, things started to change within the group ever since Jake and Hailey discovered that they are crushing on one another. As the two singers struggle with their feelings, can their best friend D...
A continuation of Future of the Mane 6 and Their Friends. Enjoy!
Twilight and her friends are ready for a fun, festive Halloween party at Canterlot High. With the seven prepared in costume and the school in full decoration, it's bound to be a night to remember. Unfortunately, it seems that someone with Equestrian magic is afoot, and intends to make sure that tonight's party-goers R...
Takes place during To Where And Back Again: While Starlight and Trixie go to the Sunset Festival, Twilight decides to go see and spend time with a different Sunset
During a sleepover at Pinkie Pie's in Canterlot High Princess Twilight, Sunset , and Twilight have a conversation amongst themselves and realize that they're not so different
My Inspiration For This Story is that I noticed while watching Rainbow Rocks the scene after Trixie called Twilight a "magical ringer" and during when Rainbow starts her ego trip on how she can win as a solo act I noticed Sunset's face and she was downright glaring hard at Trixie so that's where this story comes in an...
Canterlot High is finally saved! Or is it? After the defeat of the Dark Stars(aka - The Dazzlings), the power-hungry girls come back to Equestria once again, but this time with a companion that the Rainbooms are sure to be unable to stop. Without Twilight Sparkle, how will the girls defeat the Dark Stars' powerful com...
A new dawn has now risen in Equestria, Princess Twilight Sparkle is to be crowned the new ruler of Equestria. All seems to go well until a terrifying vision of the future plagues her mind. She begins to grow resentful and distrusting of others as her greatest fears start catching up to her. All is not as it seems, eve...
When Princess Twilight goes missing it's up to The Mane 6, Royal Family, Sunset Shimmer, Discord, Trixie, and Starlight Glimmer to rescue her along with some help from alternates This takes place after Equestria Girls/Guys- Legend of Everfree and Relaxing at Camp Everfree Canon Wise- Takes place during Season 7 after...
From afterschool clubs to beach days, music festivals to theme parks, and a rockin' Spring Break on a yacht, magic is sure making things interesting. Join Sunset Shimmer, Sunset Glare, Twilight Sparkle, Dusk Shine, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Prince Dusk Shine, Applejack, AJ, Fluttershy, Butterscotch, Pinkie Pie, Bubbl...
When word gets out the Royal Family's biggest secret they along with Twilight Velvet and Nightlight are forced to travel all across Equestria to keep the media off their hooves
Rarity and Elusive's new jobs as fashion designers for a theme park parade show jeopardizes their friendship with Applejack and AJ, and they must settle their differences in order to figure out why their friends are mysteriously vanishing.
Sunset Shimmer and Sunset Glare discover that they've been erased from their friends' memories and must race to find the magic and the perpetrator responsible.
Princess Twilight and Prince Dusk ask how Sunset and Glare fell from Celestia and Solaris' graces.
The Humane and Human Colt 7 spend spring break aboard a yacht, but Rainbow Dash and Rainbow Blitz believes Equestrian magic is on the loose.
The Starswirl Music Festival is finally here, and the Mane 8 and Colt 8 are going to get their 'glamping' on! Sunset, Glare, Bubble and Pinkie are the most excited to see their favorite band perform but when Equestrian Magic causes a 'Groundhog Day' inspired time loop to start, Sunset and Glare get stuck reliving 'Fes...