Copyright © 2014, Brunoshooliganx Justin Bieber. Hot young CEO of Multi-million dollar company Bieber Enterprises. Eleanor Lopez. Young journalist working at Grayson Global as an intern. Eleanor gets assigned to do an interview with the CEO by her mean boss who sets her up to fail, knowing Justin Bieber doesn't have...
One night, Star decides to invite her girls over to Ray Ray’s house. But when Roc is left with the overweight girl of the group, he has no interest in meeting her. When he compromises, she tells him her whole life story on how abusive her childs father is. But only one day in getting to know her, she commits suicide...
**CHAPTERS 1-19 ARE PRIVATE. GO TO http://trillparadoxstory.tumblr.com/ to retrieve the links to each chapter.** Can you love thy enemy? Can people really wear genuine masks? Chelle "Jah" Merinne is the daughter to Colonel David Merinne II and Elena Grey, the ultimate Army couple. Jah takes on the true role of being a...