Gormiti Dark Days
Magor has had enough of the four lords. So, he decides to get some help to defeat the lords once and for all. Btw, this is an AU.
Magor has had enough of the four lords. So, he decides to get some help to defeat the lords once and for all. Btw, this is an AU.
There's something unknown that is scaring the water gormitis, while they are fishing outside their kingdom. The lords are called, to figure out what is scaring the water gormitis.
Elemental Beasts is a book about the animals in Legion of Elementals ( Solo verse ) Beast Verse, and Normal GNU verse.
What if Magor, Firespitter, Andrall, Fume, and Sceven, met a gormiti. And what if that gormiti was not evil and not good. And what if that gormiti became friends with them. And who knows what will happen, if that happened.
As the title implies the art that will be shown is of Elemental/Gormiti characters. This will include ships, random drawings, short comics, etc.
These are just some pictures of my OCs, but just the gormiti and other creatures, that only appear in gormiti stories. And Fanart of OC characters and canon characters. I decided to make separate books for each category because I wanted everything to be more organized and not messy. Links to the newer books! Elemental...
Minął miesiąc, odkąd młodzi lordowie pokonali Magora. Pokój zdobyty przez Agrom, Noctis, Piron i Tasar jest wątpliwy. Podczas Festiwalu Zachodu Słońca, najważniejszego święta dla powietrznych gormitów, pałac królewski zostaje zaatakowany przez dziwne stworzenia, a Agrom zostaje ranny, gdy próbuje użyć swojego Gormston...
Libro I - Una leggenda diverrà realtà e la vita di una giovane fata sarà irrimediabilmente legata a quella dei mostruosi guerrieri di Gorm. Crossover creato alla tenera età di 10 anni e che non ho mai abbandonato, contiene tracce di follia a guscio.
Angst, love, tragedy... your daily dose of emotions condensed in short stories. Some chapters contain +18 content, they will be signaled with a star in the title.
A month has passed since the young lords defeated Magor. The peace won by Agrom, Noctis, Piron and Tasar is in doubt. During the Sunset Festival, the most important holiday for air gormites, the royal palace is attacked by strange creatures, and Agrom is wounded while trying to use his Gormstone, and the Old Sage reve...
The four lords see a group of hunters in the earth kingdom. They wonder why they are here, and decide to join them.