Hold Tight ↠ R. Grimes { on going}
"Everyone dies. Whether they want to or not." [Previously known as "Too Far Gone"] [ rick grimes ✖️ oc ] [ started: aug 06 '16] [ will be thoroughly edited once complete ] [ not completed ]
"Everyone dies. Whether they want to or not." [Previously known as "Too Far Gone"] [ rick grimes ✖️ oc ] [ started: aug 06 '16] [ will be thoroughly edited once complete ] [ not completed ]
"مُحَقِّقان عَبقَرِيَّان يُحَقِّقان فِي قَضِيّة سَيِدَة كَبِيرَة تَسْكُن وَحْدَهَا فِي قَصر فِي مَكَان مَهجُور ثُمَّ مَاتَت وَحْدَهَا دُونَ أي أسْبَاب ، لَـم تُقـتَـل! ، لَـم تَنْتَـحِـر! ، حَتّـى لَـم تَمُـت مَـوْتٍ طَبِيعِي! ........" "قَـضِيّة الـمَوت" -JEON JUNGKOOK -KIM TAEHYUNG الرواية خالية تماماً من العلاقات ا...