Test of Our Love
Love Pain
Being a fan girl is hard and Kacey Miller is all types of awkward, naturally and socially. But she's also the biggest Mindless Behavior fangirl in the world....literally. She won the TM twitter awards for biggest MB fan. When she's given the chance to get a first hand glance at what happens behind the Instagram pictur...
"We've been through so much, fights, crying, yelling, but we always bounced back to eachother...I gotta say I never thought I'd finally step up like this but I got responsibilites to take care of this ain't just about me anymore it's about us and our kids and I promise I'm never leaving you guys"
Ever Been The "Bestfriend" The One Who Was There For Him And Did Everything For Him When He Couldn't, Helped All His Relationships But All The While You Got Feelings For Him And Dont Let Your Jealousy Show Everytime He Has A Girl. Well, Im Deena, August Alsina's Bestfriend. We been bestfriends since 6th grade of middl...
Step into the world of highschool. The most mindless place anyone could ever experience. You've got heartache, tears, secrets, promises and some messed up friendships. Not to mention growing up in the hood. See what's it's like through the eyes of Chresanto, Jacob, Ray and Craig. This is the first book I've ever writt...
Part 2 of my award winning Oscar winning novel having gold star giving good ass book rider !! If u haven't read it please go do cause u will be lost in this one .. Love y'all QUEENSH¡T PRODUCTION
Sommer : Jacob && Sommer (Mama citaa) Grew Up Living In A Drug House With Their Drug Addict Mothers Without A Father Around . At The Age Of 5 They Were Both Tooken Away To A Orphanage Where They Met Their Bestfriend Taylor . Then Taylor Leaves Her Friends Heart Broken But Her Too . Soon Jacob && Sommer Realize They Lo...
See what happens when her ex from her past august comes and try to come back into her life after breaking her heart leaving permanent damage.
Many questions was left unanswered in rider 5 !!! This book will answer many questions but lead you on to wanting more... Rider continues ..... This is RIDER VI
©2013-2015 by michellelavonne All Rights Reserved.
They say love is unexpected. The best kind comes naturally. You'll learn to accept their flaws, as well as their perks. When Jacob Perez meets his new housekeeper, love is the absolute last word he'd use to express his disgust for her. Will that change? Join him and Aliyah Johnson on their story of heartbreaks, joys...
Camila has never been the easy type. One day while she's out with her best friend she meets a guy by the name of "Young". Watch as they play the cat and mouse game.
The First Chapter Is The Intro/ Description!! ~~~This is part 1 of book 2! Make sure you read this one first!! Part 2 has the same cover and all, but look for the (2/2) in the title indicating that it's part 2 of 2!~~
Sometimes I Judge People By How They Act. Who They Love, How They Dress. I Never Thought Of Certain Things In Life. I Always Judge & Talk About People Behind Their Back. I Shouldnt..... They Should Judge Me. Why? Because Im In Love With My Brother.
~~~This is part 2 of book 2! Make sure you've read part 1 of book 2 first!! Same cover and everything but look for the (1/2) on it indicating that its part 1 of 2!!~~
Love can be felt...heard...or even seen..I guess u can say love is complex in many ways.The thug and the good girl can explain that :)
Where did we go wrong we promised we'd always be there for each other....I guess forever was a lie
The First Chapter Is The Intro/ Description!!
"I'm Pregnant" Were the words that led up to this situation... Two best friends give birth leading to the friendship of their kids. A boy Jacob Perez and a girl Alexandra Brown Watch their relationship go from friends to bestfriends to just a crush to love to hate to boyfriend and girlfriend to deception and betrayal...
The First Chapter Is The Intro/ Description!!
The one will have you in a world spin! this will the breaking point of it all! All new crew! All new drama! Whole new city! Many changes ... Can nicki still ride or will she give in
Katherine is extremely modest and humble towards herself and her body. She's really shy for the most part but when her boss gives her a modeling job and puts her in a magazine, everything changes. Including her feelings for her boss, August.
Nicki is a girl that went through SOO much in life and now the odds are in her favor when she meets some that's going to give her that love she always been missing and in return she becomes his rider (August Alsina story) ENJOY:) DO NOT COPY WRITE !! This is the original RIDER!!!!
When Nia and Princeton finally have their complete family people get jealous and try to ruin there relationship. Can the couple stay strong for their baby? Or will they let threats from people get to them.
WassPoppin! I'm Jacob, otherwise known as Princeton! I'm a BIG ASS PLAYER ! But ion care , My boys tell me I needa stop . because "Nobodys gonna want me anymore* Its not my fault girls practically throw theirselves at me ! *Shrugs* Ion plan on changing either . There's only one girl i'd change my ways for ; Renae's f...