Norman Reedus GIF Imagines
Norman Reedus Imagines based off of a single GIF
You are the main character in this story. You meet Daryl in the woods, and become part of his group.
Sequel to the first 'You're Not Alone' The reader and Daryl have started to settle into life at Alexandria, but once the group runs into the Saviours and more specifically Negan, your way of life as you know it will change forever. While the universe seems to be set on pulling you and Daryl apart, how far are you will...
Title: A Hero In Real Life Y/N is an actress on the hit tv series The Walking Dead. She's the life of the set, always making people laugh and smile. Nothing in life seems bad. Or so her fellow cast think. None of them realise when she starts becoming slightly jumpy at touch. Or when she says her hay fever is acting up...
You've been on your own for 8 months now after your brother died. Scavenging and hunting, using the skills your father taught you to stay alive. Until you came across a little girl lost in the woods. You were determined to get her back to her mother, but once you found her group everything changed and you found yourse...
Y/N Grimes is Rick's younger sister. You used to be in the military and have enough PTSD to last a lifetime. With Shane's help you created the quarry camp and came across the Dixon brother's in the woods. You bought them back to camp, but after that everything changed and you were still trying to figure out if that wa...
Before the whole world turned to shit, you lived next door to the Dixon's. You grew close to the Dixon brothers over the years. You and Daryl quickly becoming best friend, despite your massive crush on him, (which at the time, you didn't know he returned). You weren't with him when the outbreak started, but against a...