Neverland's Queen (a Peter Pan /OUAT love story)
Clarissa Wendy Jones or what her adoptive name is Clarissa Jessica Mills is Henry's big sister that is determine to get home and away from Neverland. Peter wants her to stay so Neverland could have its new queen and he wants her to believe again. But Pan's legands says he will fall in love with the daughter of Queen A...
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Jste blázni do OUAT ? (fakty, zajímavosti, Fotky, Informace, atd....)
Jste blázni do seriálu Once Upon a time? Tak to je knížka přesně pro vás.
Bylo nebo Nebylo ? ✔
Storybrook už dlouho nezažil žádnou pohromu. Všichni si tady štastně žijí se svými protějšky. Co když to ale nejsou jejich pravé lásky ? Ve Storybrook se totiž oběví někdo kdo všechno změní. Člověk co dokáže zlomit srdce více než kdokoli jiný.
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Peter Pan/Robbie Kay Imagines
I am creating many different Peter Pan, Tommy/Nathan Clark, and Robbie Kay imagines. Some contain fluff and some contain other things for now i'm not writing anymore imagines because i have no more inspiration for robbie/pan imagines I do not own the characters Peter Pan or Robbie Kay (not a character, real person)...
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Confessions of a Lost Girl (Peter Pan fanfic)
The very first Lost Girl, Adriana Vicore, has come to Neverland, but Peter and Adriana have a complicated relationship. Pan has never felt the way he does right now, and Adriana is trying to recover from her traumatic past. In addition, Pan's enemies complicate things even more, and people from Adriana's past keep sho...
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The "Never" King
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The Lost Realm (Once Upon a Time/Peter Pan)
Arabella and her three sisters have been on their own for nearly five years. Using their special abilities, they get by unnoticed, but things change when a new boy appears at their school. He brings back not only memories from the girls' past, but may hold the key to the answers they never had, and the secrets of a pa...
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Felix's Sister
Everyone knows Felix is ever so loyal to Peter Pan, but no one knows Felix's backstory. When his little sister, Cyrus, goes to Neverland to find him, Pan becomes worried that she will take his most trusted ally away from Neverland. As time goes on, and Pan learns more about this girl, he realizes that she is a threat...
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Take Me To Neverland (Peter Pan)
Cianna was given up to foster care at age 1 and she never knew why. Her foster parents were just terrible. Abuse, punishments, beatings, repeat everyday. When she turned 15 she found a way out of the house and got out. She had been living on the streets in the town of Story Brooke for two years. Occasionally she would...
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My Neverland Kidnapper (Peter Pan fanfiction)
Margret Jones was just a normal 15 year old girl. She's in the 9th grade and lives with her little brother and sister and her mom. Her mother's a drunk and when she's drunk bad things happen. And Margret should know she has the scars to prove it. Margret took it a upon herself to keep her brother and sister safe, but...
OUAT Peter Pan Imagines
Just a bunch of random imagines for the Peter Pan from the show Once Upon A Time. DISCLAIMER- I don't own OUAT, (cries hysterically) but I am I crazy fangirl in love with Robbie Kay's Peter Pan
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The captains' daughter. A Peter Pan Ouat fanfiction. (On hold)
I wake up in a dark jungle, the only thing being life. The first thing I see is a boy who looked like he could kill me in one hit. Fear ran through me as I noticed the scar running along his cheek. "Welcome to Neverland."
What Happens In Neverland (Peter Pan Story)
Henry Mills has been taken to Neverland because Peter Pan wants him. But that's not the only thing Pan wants. Henry has a sister, a little older than him, who is 16. It's his adoptive sister who was also adopted by Regina. Her name is Jessica Mills. Pan wants them both because together they are powerful, more powerful...
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Pan's Heart
Coraline Jones is not your average teen. She lives in a boat with her father Killian Jones (known as Hook) and his crew. She never left the boat because her father wouldn't let her go. Until one day her father makes a deal with her to make Peter Pan fall for her and then break his heart. But does he even have a heart...
His love. A OUAT Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) fan fiction. Completed.
What if I told you that Peter Pan never fails. What if I told you he said to never fall in love. What if I told you he faild. Luna had a normal life. That is until her best friend died. Now her mom doesn't have time for her and her step dad is abusing her. She runs away only to run into a boy. But not just any boy. P...
Didn't See That Coming // Robbie Kay
When Jessica Martin is Cast as Captain Hooks unknown daughter in Once Upon A time She has to face one of her fellow Co- stars Robbie Kay in the plot. Robbie's love interests have changed lately, he's been looking for a girl to have a serious relationship with but the people He has met through his acting career have a...
Peter pan's lost girl
Mermaids, beaches, fairies! this place is awesome. someone then snatched the book out my hands. "Mermaids? what is this crap?" I looked up to see Cynthia and her clique. "why do you carry this thing around with you all the time?" I stood up and held out my hand. "give it back." "why? it's not like you can read it, y...
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Closer. (Robbie Kay Love Story)
Two friends, bestfriends since they can remember- grow up, they get older and learn more about frienships, school and love. But how will love end up between Robbie and Amy?
The Call (A Robbie Kay Fan-Fiction)
Meg was calling her mom one day but dialed the wrong number. Who just happens to be the one she called? No one other than Robbie Kay himself. They end up having this relationship through the phone. What happens if they fall in love with each other over the phone and their love is doomed. Read to find out.
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Ztracená holka v Zemi Nezemi (Peter Pan FF)
Příběh o mořské panně s magickými schopnostmi Clary a Peteru Panovi v Zemi Nezemi. Clary se jednoho dne probudí na pláži v Zemi Nezemi a až na pár věcí si nic nepamatuje. Nepamatuje si odkud přišla, nebo na svou rodinu, a nebo taky co je vlastně zač a proč tomu tak je. A tak se vydává do nebezpečné džungle kde narazí...
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V jedné kouzelné zemi zvané Neverland proti sobě už několik stovek let válčily dva tábory-De Claris Pueri a Algor Wave, neboli kluci proti holkám, nelítostný vůdce Peter Pan proti vzpurné vůdkyni Aile. Nekonečný boj o území pokračuje... Postava Peter Pan a Neverland je propujčená hlavně z Once Upon a Time. Inspirac...
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Problémy fanoušků Bylo, nebylo [Once Upon a Time]
✔ Bylo, nebylo je zapletený, kdežto skvělý seriál vysílaný u nás na Prima Cool. Získal si mnoho fanoušků, kteří však čelí mnoha trablím týkajících se jich a seriálu. Zde si ukážeme několik problémů, které sama pociťuji, je možné, že tu uvidíte i sami sebe. ---DOKONČENO---
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OUaT ~ A Change is coming [ff] ✔️ [DOKONČENO]
~Příběh se odehrává v polovině 3.série, kde Petr pan sešle kletbu a Emma musí opustit Storybrook s Henrym. Jenže po roce se opět začnou dít zvláštní věci a její rodina jí bude potřebovat.~ „Slyšela si o městečku jménem Storybrook v Maine?" Na druhé straně telefonu bylo ticho. „Já taky ne. Ale ta žena vypadala opravdu...
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Warrior (Once upon a time/Petr Pan)
Kéž by nezapomněla, kéž by nikdy neodešla. Jediné, co si Allison kdy přála bylo, být zase Primrose, kterou kdysi byla a která měla téměř perfektní život. Po tom, co se Allison vrátily zpět její vzpomínky, přála si být znovu se svou pravou rodinou. *-_-*-_-*✨*-_-*-_-* „Je zvláštní si na vše po všech těch letech vzpomen...
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑. | ❝Everyone will end up leaving you at one point or another. But it's the ones that come back that are the most important.❞ - Naomi Jones has been left too many times to count. Ever since her mother died, her father had to take care of her, this went well for a small amount of time, until...
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My name is Rampelstiltskin
Všichni znáte ty klasické pohádky, všechno dobře dopadne, zlo bude vždycky poraženo. Co by se stalo, kdyby se v začarovaném lese objevila další tajemná postava? Změnilo by se všechno? Nebo by právě naopak zůstalo všechno úplně stejné? Nikdo neví, kdo je ta zahadná dívka, odkud přišla a poč tu vlastně je. Jediné co...
Every darkness needs a light /CZ/
Sedmnáctiletý Petr žije v Zemi-Nezemi se ztracenými kluky.Do spárů se mu dostane parta pěti lidí, kteří se v Zemi-Nezemi ocitnou náhodou.Hra pro Petra může začít.....